SDG 12 - Sustainable consumption and production
In 2019, an average of more than 12 tonnes of raw materials (German only) were consumed per capita worldwide for production and consumption. But the world's resources are not infinite. But the world's resources are not infinite. In 2024, Earth Overshoot Day in Germany (German only) fell on 2 May, marking the date on which humanity has used up nature's resources for the entire year. In order for the natural foundations of life to be preserved in the long term, a rethink must take place and this is precisely where SDG 12 comes in.
To make the goal more measurable, SDG 12 has been concretised in eleven targets.
Siegelklarheit primarily focuses on the target (12.8). We inform consumers about credible standards so that sustainable purchasing decisions can be easily integrated into everyday life. In this way, we offer you as a consumer guidance in the multitude of labels that you encounter.
Under Further initiatives you will find a list of other important organisations in Germany that have set themselves the goal of strengthening sustainable consumption and production.

Also interesting
- E-waste has increased by 38%, but less than 20% of it is recycled.
- The textile industry is now the second largest polluter of clean water after agriculture.
- Practical tips on how else you can easily adopt a more sustainable lifestyle in your everyday life can be found here (German only).
Note: The content of this publication has not been approved by the United Nations and does not reflect the views of the United Nations or its officials or Member States. Further information can be found here.