Green Button
The Green Button is a government-run certification label for sustainable textiles. It sets demanding requirements to protect people and the environment in global production processes of textiles.
What makes it special: The Green Button evaluates whether companies fulfil their human rights and environmental due diligence obligations along the supply chain. In addition, there must be proof in the form of recognised certification labels that the respective article has been produced in a socially and environmentally sound manner. This is proven through labels that cover the requirements in the relevant supply chain stages and are recognised as credible according to the methodology of Siegelklarheit. Therefore, the Green Button itself is not rated on Siegelklarheit. Furthermore, with setting due diligence requirements, the Green Button covers a topic that goes beyond the criteria of Siegelklarheit.
The Green Button is the first textile label that audits due diligence processes. The combination of requirements for the company and proof of sustainable production processes of the textiles makes the label unique. The Green Button is constantly being further developed. With the latest standard version Green Button 2.0, for example, fibres and materials are now also included, companies must involve local stakeholders to a greater extent and develop a strategy for the payment of living wages
Both Siegelklarheit and the Green Button therefore provide orientation for consumers.