- Aim/Focus
- Standard organisation
- Good to know
Below is a list of documents and policies that were used in the collection of the scheme data:
Guidance and tools for Brands: • Brand Performance Guide 2022: https://api.fairwear.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Brand-performance-check-guide-2022.pdf • Fair Working Hours guide: https://www.fairwear.org/resources-and-tools/fair-working-hours-guide Fair Price App: https://www.fairwear.org/resources-and-tools/fair-price-app/
Credibility 69%
Availability of Scheme Structure
Independence of Scheme Owner from Certificate Holder
Availability of Standard
Public Consultation of Standard
From March 2025, the required level of ambition for this minimum criterion will increase from 'basic' to 'advanced'.
Standard Review
Scheme Legal Status
Sources of Finance
Standard-Setting Process
Assessment Methodology
Sustainability Goals and Objectives of the Scheme
Key Issues
Stakeholder Feedback
Consistent Interpretation
Scheme Accessibility
Assurance Provider Complaints and Appeals Mechanism
From March 2025, the required level of ambition for this minimum criterion will increase from 'basic' to 'advanced'.
Assessment Reports Availability
Scope and Duration of Certificate / License
Certified or Verified Enterprise / Labelled Product List
From March 2025, the required level of ambition for this minimum criterion will increase from 'basic' to 'advanced'.
Accredited/ Approved Assurance Providers
Independent Conformity Assessment
From March 2025, the required level of ambition for this minimum criterion will increase from 'basic' to 'advanced'.
Consistent Decision-Making on Conformity
Procedure on Non-Conformities
Claims and Labelling Policy
Scheme Management
Does the scheme owner make its organisational structure publicly available, including composition of governance bodies?
Possible answers
- Yes (on request) (0 points)
- Yes publicly (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Is the scheme owner a legal entity, or an organization that is a partnership of legal entities, or a government or inter-governmental agency?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Is there a mechanism for stakeholders to participate in scheme development and decision-making?
Possible answers
- Yes available publicly (2 points)
- Yes available on request (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Do the voting procedures of the top decision-making body ensure that there is a balanced representation of stakeholder interests, where no single interest predominates?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner make quantitative information on the income sources or financing structure of the scheme available?
Possible answers
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
- No (0 points)
Does the scheme owner have an internal quality management system available?
Possible answers
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Is the scheme owner economically independent from the certificate holder?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner have sustainability-oriented goals and objectives?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner have a strategy for meeting its sustainability-oriented goals and objectives?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
Does the scheme owner make its organisational structure publicly available, including composition of governance bodies?
Does the scheme owner have a system in place for measuring its impacts and progress towards its sustainability goals?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
Does the scheme owner use the results of monitoring and evaluation for learning and improvements to its programme?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner make sustainability results from M&E available?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner have a system in place for measuring its impacts and progress towards its sustainability goals?
Complaints Mechanism
Does the scheme owner have a publicly available and easily accessible complaints mechanism?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner have a publicly available and easily accessible complaints mechanism?
Supporting Strategies
Does the scheme implement strategies or activities to support improved performance of participating enterprises, e.g. capacity building, access to finance?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme implement strategies or activities to support improved performance of participating enterprises, e.g. capacity building, access to finance?
Is the standard made publicly available free of charge?
Possible answers
- Yes (on request) (0 points)
- Yes publicly (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Has a set of key sustainability issues in the sector where the scheme operates or product lifecycle been defined in the standard-setting process?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Is the standard-setting procedure or a summary of the process for how stakeholders can engage in standard-setting made publicly available?
Possible answers
- Yes (on request) (0 points)
- Yes publicly (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Can stakeholders participate in the standard-setting process?
Possible answers
- Members only (1 point)
- Invitation only (1 point)
- All stakeholders (2 points)
Are stakeholders who are directly affected by the standard provided opportunities to participate in standard setting?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Are draft standards field tested / piloted for relevance and auditability through the development and revision processes?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner provide information on how the input received from consultations has been included in the final version of the standard?
Possible answers
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
- No (0 points)
Do the voting procedures of the decision-making body responsible for standard setting ensure that there is a balanced representation of stakeholder interests?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Is the standard reviewed and, if necessary, revised at least every 5 years?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme ensure that guidance is in place to support consistent interpretation of the standard?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Are there procedures and guidance for application or interpretation of the standard to regional contexts?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is the standard made publicly available free of charge?
Assurance System
Is there a publicly available documented assessment methodology for assurance providers to assess conformity with the standard?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes available on request (0 points)
- Yes publicly available (1 point)
Is application (to get certified/verified) open to all potential applicants within the scope of the scheme?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner provide information on assessment fees or require this of assurance providers?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes available on request (1 point)
- Yes publicly available (2 points)
Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to have an easily accessible complaints and appeals mechanism?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes available on request (1 point)
- Yes publicly available (2 points)
Does the scheme owner make, or require assurance providers to make a summary of certification/verification reports (with personal and commercially sensitive information removed) available?
Possible answers
- No (no reports) (0 points)
- No (confidential) (1 point)
- Yes (on request) (2 points)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
Does the certificate or license define the scope of assurance and duration for which it is valid?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner maintain or require assurance providers to maintain a publicly accessible list of certified or verified enterprises, or a list of verified products/product groups, or a list of members (in case of membership-based initiatives)?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Yes incl. scope of certificate or license (2 points)
Does the scheme owner maintain a current and publicly available list of all accredit-ed/approved/suspended assurance providers?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (on request) (0 points)
- Yes (publicly) (1 point)
Does the scheme owner review the effectiveness of their assurance system on a periodic basis?
Possible answers
- Annual (1 point)
- Every 3 years (1 point)
- Every 5 years (1 point)
- Ad hoc (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that clients and other affected stakeholders are notified of changes to the assurance requirements?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme require performance improvements over time to maintain certification?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner have a documented assessment methodology for assurance providers that are assessing chain of custody?
Possible answers
- yes publicly available (2 points)
- yes available on request (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to report to them on complaints received and, on the actions, taken to resolve the issue?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner maintain an information management system?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
Has the scheme specified equivalence requirements for any other scheme assurance results it recognises?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is there a publicly available documented assessment methodology for assurance providers to assess conformity with the standard?
Conformity Assessment
Conformity Assessment Process
Does the scheme require a third-party conformity assessment of all clients for compliance with its standard?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (2 points)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner define requirements for decision-making to ensure that assurance providers use consistent procedures for determining the conformity of clients or laboratory testing results with the standard?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to have a procedure in place for how clients are required to address non-conformities, including when a certificate or license is suspended or revoked?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme require a third-party conformity assessment of all clients for compliance with its standard?
Sustainability Audits
Does the scheme owner have a documented oversight approach that requires assurance providers to be accredited or compliant with ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17025 (for laboratories) requirements, or alternatively to be compliant with the relevant ISEAL Assurance Code requirements?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that clients are audited on a regular, recurring basis?
Possible answers
- 1 year or less (1 point)
- 1-2 years (1 point)
- 2-3 years (1 point)
- 4-5 years (1 point)
- 5 years or more (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is the frequency or intensity of an audit or oversight assessment based on a risk assessment of the client or assurance provider?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner specify the required intensity for each type of audit and the activities that must be carried out by assurance providers for each of its standards?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner allow or require assurance providers to do unannounced audits?
Possible answers
- Allowed (1 point)
- Required (2 points)
- Not allowed (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Are auditors and assessors required to seek external stakeholder input during the audit and oversight assessment process?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to follow a consistent report format?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that assurance providers and oversight bodies use competent and impartial personnel (other than auditor/assessor/ team) to make decisions on compliance?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner have a documented oversight approach that requires assurance providers to be accredited or compliant with ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17025 (for laboratories) requirements, or alternatively to be compliant with the relevant ISEAL Assurance Code requirements?
Group Certification
Is the group required to have a shared management system with clear responsibilities for implementation of the system?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner have a mechanism that prescribes and justifies how all sites within a group certification will be audited over time?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is there a sample size formula and sampling approach to determine the number of group members that is externally verified and how the sample is chosen?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Yes based on risk assessment (2 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Do the requirements on group certification/verification define the conditions under which a group member shall be suspended or removed from a group?
Possible answers
- Member suspended from certification (1 point)
- Member removed from a group (1 point)
- Group suspension (1 point)
- No repercussion (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is the group required to have a shared management system with clear responsibilities for implementation of the system?
Chain of Custody
Does the scheme owner require all enterprises that are physically handling the certified product to undergo a CoC audit if the product can be destined for retail sale as a certified, labelled product?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require all enterprises that are physically handling the certified product to undergo a CoC audit if the product can be destined for retail sale as a certified, labelled product?
Laboratory Testing
In the documented assessment methodology, are test methods either referred to or included?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Are there rules on random sampling and testing for the conformity monitoring?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is there a procedure to deal with non-conforming products manufactured by a client / licensee?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
In the documented assessment methodology, are test methods either referred to or included?
Conformity Assessment Process
Assessor/ Auditor Competencies
Does the scheme owner define the qualifications, competency, the required minimum industry audit experience and training requirements for assurance / oversight assessors?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner define the qualifications, competency, the required minimum industry audit experience and training requirements for assurance / oversight assessors?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner require that assurance provider auditors successfully complete auditor training on a standard that is relevant to the scheme and that is based on ISO 19011, or equivalent?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that assurance and oversight providers implement a programme to monitor and ensure the continued competence and good performance of assessors and auditors?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner carry out or require assurance providers to carry out calibration activities to ensure that assessors /auditors are aligned?
Possible answers
- Annually (2 points)
- Ad Hoc (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that assurance providers have a Code of Conduct, or equivalent, and supporting procedures to guide behaviour and actions of assurance providers' personnel and to address misconduct
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner assess potential risks to auditor / assessor impartiality and where warranted, do they require assurance providers and oversight bodies to implement practices to mitigate these risks?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner define the qualifications, competency, the required minimum industry audit experience and training requirements for assurance / oversight assessors?
Accreditation / Oversight
Does the scheme require an oversight mechanism and is it documented?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Is oversight conducted by a third party independent of the scheme owner and assurance providers?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme define the nature and intensity of oversight activities on assurance providers?
Possible answers
- <1 year (2 points)
- 1 year (2 points)
- 2-3 years (2 points)
- 4-5 years (1 point)
- >5 years (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
- None (0 points)
Does the intensity of oversight activities take account of risk factors associated with the assurance providers and their personnel?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner clearly define the application and selection process for assurance providers?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner assess scheme-specific competence when accepting assurance providers that are accredited to other relevant standards (proxy accreditation)?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Yes assess scheme-specific competence (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme have or require oversight providers to have documented and accessible complaints and appeals mechanisms?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner define or request that oversight providers define how assurance providers have to address non-conformities raised through oversight?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that summaries of oversight reports (with personal and commercially sensitive information removed) are made publicly available?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that on-site assessments of assurance providers are included in the oversight cycle?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that oversight includes reviews of assurance provider performance in the field?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme require an oversight mechanism and is it documented?
Assurance System
Claims & Traceability
Does the scheme owner have a documented Chain of Custody standard or other traceability requirements that apply to the full supply chain?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes available on request (1 point)
- Yes publicly available (2 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Are there any CoC requirements for non-certified material, in case mixing of certified with uncertified inputs is allowed?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to verify that all enterprises within the chain maintain accurate and accessible records that allow any certified product or batch of products to be traceable from the point of sale to the buyer?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Are companies required to keep CoC records for at least the term of certificate validity?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme have a traceability system that enables checking of product flow between links of the supply chain?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner have a documented Chain of Custody standard or other traceability requirements that apply to the full supply chain?
Claims & Labelling
Does the scheme owner have documented requirements for the use of its symbols, logos and/or claims related to its scheme and make them publicly available?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Do claims requirements specify the types of claims that can be made for different types of CoC models, where the scheme owner allows for more than one model?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Are claims and label users required to use unique license numbers or other tracking mechanisms?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require surveillance of the accurate use of claims and labels in the market, including a complaints mechanism to report misuse?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is the label accompanied by an explanatory text claim or a link to further information?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme have a procedure that defines specific consequences of misuse of claims and do they also require this of their assurance providers?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner have documented requirements for the use of its symbols, logos and/or claims related to its scheme and make them publicly available?
Environment 3%
Hazardous Chemicals - Substances of very high concern under REACH
Chemicals Harmful to Human Health
Biodegredability of Substances
Chemicals Harmful to the Environment
Chemical Residues
Wastewater Parameters
Use of Natural Fibres
Use of Synthetic Fibres
Chemical Use
Does the standard include criteria on chemical use?
Possible answers
- Basic: Document use of all chemicals (1 point)
- Advanced: Increase efficiency/reduce chemical use (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on chemicals listed on the REACH Candidate List as substances of very high concern?
Possible answers
- Basic: SVHC of Candidate List is prohibited but specific derogations/deviations/exceptions for a defined use OR lists prohibited/restricted substances based risk on an assessment (1 point)
- Advanced: Prohibit use except for defined derogations. (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on H statements?
Possible answers
- Basic: Risk assessment OR selection of substances for MRSL considers H statements. (1 point)
- Advanced: Prohibit use (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on the use of biocides?
Possible answers
- Basic: Restrict the use of biocides in the textile finishing processes (1 point)
- Advanced: Prohibit the use of biocides in the textile finishing processes (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on the use of formaldehyde?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on the use of nanomaterials?
Possible answers
- Basic: Restrict the use of nanomaterials (0 points)
- Advanced: Prohibit the use of nanomaterials (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on the use of flame retardants?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Prohibit use (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on biodegredability of substances?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on H statements H400, H410, H411?
Possible answers
- Basic: Include requirements for an ecological risk assessment of the substances in use OR the selection of substances for MRSL considers H statements (1 point)
- Advanced: Prohibit use of H statements except for the substance groups listed in the guidance (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on testing the final product regarding residues of chemicals?
Possible answers
Does the scheme include criteria on hazardous chemicals, as referenced by (1) Stockholm convention, (2) WHO class 1A and B, (3) Rotterdam convention or on similar sector specific lists?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Under no circumstances can any blasting material used contain crystalline silica (i.e. the crystalline silica in the abrasive material should be less than 1 %). This should be stopped immediately (no phase out period allowed)
page 1
Does the scheme include criteria on the use of materials containing dyes or pigments based on lead, copper, chromium, nickel, cadmium, cobalt and aluminium in the production phase?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on azo dyes that may cleave aromatic amines which are harmful to human health in the production phase?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on the use of chlorine gas, elemental chlorine, chloroorganic compounds as bleaching agent?
Possible answers
- Basic: Restrict use (1 point)
- Advanced: Prohibit use (2 points)
Does the scheme include criteria on the use of mercury, cadmium, lead, chromiumVI and the ban on the manufacture, the use and treatment of mercury pursuant to the Minamata Convention?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on chemical use?
Handling of Chemicals
Does the standard include criteria on storage and labelling of chemicals?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on selective and targeted application of chemicals?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on training on chemicals handling and exposure?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
FW has mandatory criterion under the code standard 'safe and healthy working conditions': Detect mechanisms: HS-01 Factory working conditions pose threat to the lives of workers HS-02 Factory working conditions pose threat to the health of workers HS-03 There is no written safety & health policy and procedure HS-04 Factory management has not conducted any risk assessment of working conditions. 4) Factory has not appointed any designated staff who is qualified to oversee the H&S management. Training: HS-10 Safety & health training for workers is not provided or inadequate. HS-18 First aid personnel is not trained or insufficient. HS-57 Workers are not trained on machine safety. FCS-02 Factory management has not communicated its own policies and procedures to the workforce
Does the standard include criteria on specific procedures/controls to deal with pollution incidents (to mitigate environmental impacts)?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on storage and labelling of chemicals?
Chemical Use
Water Use
Does the standard include criteria on water consumption in the production phase?
Possible answers
- Basic: Monitor volumes of water consumption over time (1 point)
- Advanced: Monitor water volumes & increase efficiency (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on water consumption in the production phase?
Does the standard include criteria on wastewater quality and wastewater treatment?
Possible answers
- Basic: Treat wastewater (1 point)
- Advanced: Treat wastewater with parameters defined to ensure appropriate quality of wastewater (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on wastewater volumes (per unit of production)?
Possible answers
Does the standard include threshold values on basic wastewater parameters?
Possible answers
- Basic: The scheme refers to national legislation. (1 point)
- Advanced: The schemes requires threshold values on basic wastewater parametersfor different production steps. (1 point)
Does the standard include threshold values on advanced wastewater parameters?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on wastewater quality and wastewater treatment?
Water Use
Does the standard include criteria on the production of natural fibres?
Possible answers
- Basic: Fibres are randomly tested for agrochemical residues AND hazardous pesticides as described in the guidance are prohibited. (1 point)
- Advanced: At least 51% of fibres is organic or organic in conversion (non-organic natural fibres have to be tested for agrochemical residues). (2 points)
Does the standard include specific criteria for different types of synthetic fibres (including man-made cellulose fibres)?
Possible answers
- Basic: Not applicable (for schemes containing less than 10% of synthetic fibres) (0 points)
- Advanced: Standard formulates specific criteria for sustainable production of synthetic fibres OR addresses sustainable sourcing of synthetic fibres. (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on the usage of recycled material?
Possible answers
- Basic: Use of recycled material in packaging (1 point)
- Advanced: Use of recycled material in product (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?
Possible answers
- Basic: Allow use with adequate controls to prohibit contamination (1 point)
- Advanced: Prohibit use (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on the production of natural fibres?
Quality and Suitability
Does the standard cover criteria on the quality of textiles?
Possible answers
- Basic: Less than four aspects are tested textile (1 point)
- Advanced: All four aspects (fastness of rubbing/ perspiration/ light/ washing) are tested (2 points)
Does the standard cover criteria on the quality of textiles?
Quality and Suitability
Energy & Climate
Climate Change Mitigation
Does the standard include criteria on energy consumption in the production phase?
Possible answers
- Basic: Monitor energy consumption over time (1 point)
- Advanced: Reduce consumption, increase efficiency OR increase use of renewables (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on energy consumption in the production phase?
Climate Change Mitigation
Waste & Air Pollution
Waste Management
Does the standard include criteria on volumes of waste?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Reduction of volumes of waste (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on toxicity of waste?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Reduce and/or treat toxic waste (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on reusing or recycling waste on-site?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on waste management in the production phase?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on waste segregation?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on safe disposal of hazardous waste?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on uncontrolled on-site waste burning?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Prohibit waste burning (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on uncontrolled waste landfilling?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Prohibit waste landfilling (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on handling or disposal of waste by third parties?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Keep records on third party contractors (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on volumes of waste?
Air pollution (excl. GHG) & Immission
Does the standard include criteria on air pollution?
Possible answers
- Basic: Monitor emissions over time (for textiles at least in textile finishing) (1 point)
- Advanced: End-of-pipe technology (2 points)
For which production phase does the standard include criteria on air pollution?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Restrictions on air pollution for some of the production steps (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on air pollution?
Waste Management
Environmental Management
Environmental Management
Does the standard include a general criterion on compliance with all relevant local, regional and national environmental laws and regulations?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria to ensure that relevant and up-to-date permits are held (such as water use rights or land use titles)?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Excerpt from standard:
C1. General Proof of registration or factory licenses for operation, employment, etc. OHS Requirements tick list. Safety of the construction Fire service license and construction permits must be checked. Having these licenses does not guarantee that the building is safe, but auditors are not expected to be experts in construction engineering. However auditors should pay attention to any signals of construction failures coming from interviews, local stakeholders or visual checks. In areas prone to flooding, earthquakes or typhoons buildings may run the risk of collapse due to design and construction. If auditors are in doubt whether these facilities were properly built, with legal authorization, and if workers are at risk in their workplaces, they should add a requirement in the audit report calling for an additional audit on safety of the building by fire and/or construction experts.
Appendix C: Checklist for documents inspection C1. General Appendix D: Checklist for visual workplace inspection OHS Requirements tick list.
Does the standard include criteria on mitigating negative environmental impacts prior to production/operation?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on assessing the environmental risks and impacts of production/operations prior to any significant intensification or expansion of business operations/cultivation and infrastructure?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on stakeholder engagement to achieve environmental targets?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Consultation and involvement of stakeholders; Relevant stakeholders should be involved. It is a process that will be supported by Fair Wear and multi-stakeholder structures in place. In case of remediation the worker involved is consulted to reflect on the investigation and remediation process.
Does the standard include a general criterion on compliance with all relevant local, regional and national environmental laws and regulations?
Environmental Management
Socio-Economic 76%
Freedom of Association (ILO 87)
Collective Bargaining (ILO 98)
Labour Contracts
Workers Representation where Restricted by Law
From March 2025, the required level of ambition for this minimum criterion will increase from 'basic' to 'advanced'.
Prohibition of Forced Labor (ILO 29)
Debt bondage
Withholding Papers
Freedom of Movement
Minimum Age (ILO 138)
Age Verification
Prohibition of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (ILO 182)
Equal Remuneration (ILO 100)
Maternity Leave
Non-Discrimination (ILO 111)
Business Legality
Legal Minimum Wage
Working Hours
Harassment and abuse
Workplace Conditions
From March 2025, the required level of ambition for this minimum criterion will increase from 'basic' to 'advanced'.
Potable water
Improved Sanitation Facilities
Building and Construction Safety
Fire Preparedness
Emergency and Evacuation Safety
ILO 155
Company Responsibility
Does the standard require the implementation of measures that aim at generating equal economic opportunities for women and men?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
WHAT THIS MEANS FOR MEMBER BRANDS Because gender equality is a cross-cutting issue, Fair Wear requirements on gender equality are also crosscutting. The following is a list of actions that we require from member brands. [...] 10. Member brands support and facilitate initiatives and programmes that ensure workers and management are able to build an understanding of their rights, gender equality and gender-based violence and harassment as well as social dialogue and worker-management dialogue. Member brands should also facilitate the inclusion of women in these initiatives and programmes, especially if they cover topics that specifically or disproportionately affect women, or topics that impact gender equality. WHAT THIS MEANS FOR PRODUCTION LOCATIONS Fair Wear considers a production location to be in compliance with this policy if workers are supported by effective and operative policies and procedures that aim to address gender inequality, have access to functional, victim-centred complaints mechanisms and have equal access to initiatives and opportunities that lead to a more gender equal working environment. This means production locations should: 1 Encourage and facilitate the participation of women in social dialogue structures. Ensure, for example, that they have equal opportunity to form or join unions, to act as worker representatives, that they can participate in democratic elections and are included in any related workplace trainings. See the Member Hub for more information on workplace trainings. 4. Ensure that there is a transparent system for hiring, termination, remuneration and promotions with equal terms and access for women, and that women workers are informed that new positions and promotions are open for all workers to apply for. Analyse this system regularly to make sure that it does not have any gender biases that create barriers to women’s employment opportunities and skills development. 5 Encourage women to seek management and supervisory positions, and if possible, provide skills training to women workers to this end. 6 Comply with legislation that addresses issues that relate to women, for example, maternity and childcare laws, including pay, record keeping, occupational health and safety requirements. This would include, for example, ensuring that pregnant workers are not exposed to dangerous working conditions, that they do not experience discrimination in the workplace, and that they are provided the legally allocated maternity leave and the ability to return to their job at the same level or higher, if they choose. Promote and facilitate childcare facilities for workers. 9 Encourage and facilitate gender-balanced workplace committees.
Does the standard include criteria on assessing the impacts of operations on human rights?
Possible answers
- Basic: Human Rights Impact Assessment OR Social Impact Assessment (1 point)
- Advanced: Human Rights Impact Assessment AND Social Impact Assessment (2 points)
Does the standard require the implementation of measures that aim at generating equal economic opportunities for women and men?
Labour Rights and Working Conditions
ILO Core Conventions
Does the standard include criteria on freedom of association and the right to organize as described in ILO 87?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargainingThe right of all workers to form and join trade unions and bargain collectively shall be recognised. (ILO Conventions 87 and 98) The company shall, in those situations in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining are restricted under law, facilitate parallel means of independent and free association and bargaining for all workers. Workers’ representatives shall not be the subject of discrimination and shall have access to all workplaces necessary to carry out their representation functions. (ILO Convention 135 and Recommendation 143) FoA Policy: Freedom of association and collective bargaining are ‘enabling rights.’ When these rights are respected, they pave the way for garment workers and their employers to address and implement the other standards in Fair Wear’s Code of Labour practices. They are key rights that facilitate ownership and give the possibility to workers to express their voices and be heard, giving space for dialogue channels where problems can be addressed and parties share responsibility. Fair Wear considers a production location to be in compliance with this labour standard if trade union rights can be exercised in normal conditions with respect for basic human rights and in a climate free of violence, pressure, fear and threats of any kind, and if no signs of violations of the right to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are found. This means production locations must: - allow workers to join or form trade unions (confirmed by workers) - allow unions access to the factory or workers to share information - allow paid time and provide space for workers’ representatives to engage in union activities - not interfere with or try to influence any of the functions of the unions - not terminate contracts, punish, threaten, intimidate, or harass workers and workers’ representatives due to their union membership or their participation in union activities - be willing to bargain in good faith with a representative union - implement the collective bargaining agreement, where there is one - not interfere with the right to strike, in line with international standards - where one or more of these rights are restricted under national law, uphold international - standards as much as possible without violating national laws. Where national legislation makes adherence to international laws impossible, management must 1) make clear to workers that they will engage workers in collective dialogue, and 2) ensure that workers have the opportunity and choice to participate in such collective dialogue through some form of representative structure. Fair Wear Foundation requires member brands to ensure the above conditions are met in all their production locations. A brand is only in full compliance with the standard in Fair Wear’s Code of Labour Practice when freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining can be exercised in all facilities in a brand’s supply chain. Fair Wear member brands have an obligation to ensure that their practices do not interfere with the ability of workers to exercise their rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining and to pro-actively promote an enabling environment for these rights in their supply chain. Additionally, brands, with suppliers, must make remediation efforts when violations of these rights are found
2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
Does the standard include criteria on the right to collective bargaining, as laid down by ILO 98?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining The right of all workers to form and join trade unions and bargain collectively shall be recognised. (ILO Conventions 87 and 98) The company shall, in those situations in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining are restricted under law, facilitate parallel means of independent and free association and bargaining for all workers. Workers’ representatives shall not be the subject of discrimination and shall have access to all workplaces necessary to carry out their representation functions. (ILO Convention 135 and Recommendation 143) FOA and CB Policy FoA Policy: Freedom of association and collective bargaining are ‘enabling rights.’ When these rights are respected, they pave the way for garment workers and their employers to address and implement the other standards in Fair Wear’s Code of Labour practices. They are key rights that facilitate ownership and give the possibility to workers to express their voices and be heard, giving space for dialogue channels where problems can be addressed and parties share responsibility. Fair Wear considers a production location to be in compliance with this labour standard if trade union rights can be exercised in normal conditions with respect for basic human rights and in a climate free of violence, pressure, fear and threats of any kind, and if no signs of violations of the right to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are found. This means production locations must: - allow workers to join or form trade unions (confirmed by workers) - allow unions access to the factory or workers to share information - allow paid time and provide space for workers’ representatives to engage in union activities - not interfere with or try to influence any of the functions of the unions - not terminate contracts, punish, threaten, intimidate, or harass workers and workers’ representatives due to their union membership or their participation in union activities - be willing to bargain in good faith with a representative union - implement the collective bargaining agreement, where there is one - not interfere with the right to strike, in line with international standards - where one or more of these rights are restricted under national law, uphold international - standards as much as possible without violating national laws. Where national legislation makes adherence to international laws impossible, management must 1) make clear to workers that they will engage workers in collective dialogue, and 2) ensure that workers have the opportunity and choice to participate in such collective dialogue through some form of representative structure. Fair Wear Foundation requires member brands to ensure the above conditions are met in all their production locations. A brand is only in full compliance with the standard in Fair Wear’s Code of Labour Practice when freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining can be exercised in all facilities in a brand’s supply chain. Fair Wear member brands have an obligation to ensure that their practices do not interfere with the ability of workers to exercise their rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining and to pro-actively promote an enabling environment for these rights in their supply chain. Additionally, brands, with suppliers, must make remediation efforts when violations of these rights are found
2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
Does the standard prohibit forced and compulsory labour as defined in ILO 29 and ILO 105?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
There shall be no use of forced, including bonded or prison, labour. (ILO Conventions 29 and 105)
1. Employment is freely chosen
Does the standard include criteria on the prohibition of child labour as defined under ILO 138?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
There shall be no use of child labour. The age for admission to employment shall not be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and, in any case, not less than 15 years.” (ILO Convention 138) “There shall be no forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory labour. […] Children [in the age of 15-18] shall not perform work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm their health, safety or morals.” (ILO Convention 182)
4. No exploitation of child labour
Does the standard cover requirements on the prevention of worst forms of child labour as defined under ILO 182?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
There shall be no use of child labour. The age for admission to employment shall not be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and, in any case, not less than 15 years.” (ILO Convention 138) “There shall be no forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory labour. […] Children [in the age of 15-18] shall not perform work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm their health, safety or morals.” (ILO Convention 182)
4. No exploitation of child labour
Does the standard address the payment of equal wages as defined in ILO 100?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Recruitment, wage policy, admittance to training programmes, employee promotion policy, policies of employment termination, retirement, and any other aspect of the employment relationship shall be based on the principle of equal opportunities, regardless of race, colour, sex, religion, political affiliation, union membership, nationality, social origin, deficiencies or handicaps (ILO Conventions 100 and 111).
3. There is no discrimination in employment
Does the standard include criteria on the non-discrimination in the workplace, as defined in ILO 111?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Recruitment, wage policy, admittance to training programmes, employee promotion policy, policies of employment termination, retirement, and any other aspect of the employment relationship shall be based on the principle of equal opportunities, regardless of race, colour, sex, religion, political affiliation, union membership, nationality, social origin, deficiencies or handicaps (ILO Conventions 100 and 111).
3. There is no discrimination in employment
Does the standard include criteria on occupational health and safety, as defined in ILO 155?
Possible answers
- Basic: Partial compliance with ILO 155 (1 point)
- Advanced: Full compliance with ILO 155 (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
A safe and hygienic working environment shall be provided, and best occupational health and safety practice shall be promoted, bearing in mind the prevailing knowledge of the industry and of any specific hazards. Appropriate attention shall be paid to occupational hazards specific to this branch of the industry and assure that a safe and hygienic work environment is provided for. Effective regulations shall be implemented to prevent accidents and minimise health risks as much as possible (following ILO Convention 155). Physical abuse, threats of physical abuse, unusual punishments or discipline, sexual and other harassment, and intimidation by the employer is strictly prohibited.
7. Safe and healthy working conditions
Does the standard include criteria on freedom of association and the right to organize as described in ILO 87?
Labour Rights
Other Labour Rights
Does the standard include criteria on the formation of workers representations where freedom of association is restricted by law?
Possible answers
- Basic: Allow (1 point)
- Advanced: Promote (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining The right of all workers to form and join trade unions and bargain collectively shall be recognised. (ILO Conventions 87 and 98) [COMPANY] shall, in those situations in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining are restricted under law, facilitate parallel means of independent and free association and bargaining for all workers. Workers' representatives shall not be the subject of discrimination and shall have access to all workplaces necessary to carry out their representation functions. (ILO Convention 135 and Recommendation 143) FOA-06 Workers cannot freely form or join the union of their choice FOA-07 Workers are not aware of union(s) or its function FOA-08 Factory management does not allow trade unions to approach workers FOA-09 Factory management does not treat different unions equally FOA-10 Factory management provides incentives to workers to keep them from joining a union or engaging in union activities FOA-11 Factory management punishes, threatens, intimidates, harasses, terminates or does not renew workers' contracts due to their union membership or activities FOA-12 The existing trade union(s) or worker representatives are not allowed to be involved/are not involved in improving working conditions
6. The Fair Wear Code of Labour Practices
Does the standard include criteria on worker grievance mechanisms?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Member brands are expected to establish effective grievance mechanisms in their owned production locations aligned with the UNGP and OECD effectiveness criteria.[1] When effective FLGMs are not present, functional, trusted or safe for workers or their representatives to use, the member brand is required to establish a process that is legitimate, accessible, predictable, equitable, transparent, and dialogue-based [2] to enable remediation of human rights impacts in their supply chains. In countries where Fair Wear is active, this means at a minimum providing the Fair Wear Complaint Helpline and meeting requirements of brands as set in Fair Wear's Complaint Procedure. The member brand is also expected to work with its supplier to establish effective FLGMs over time.
Step 6: Provide for or co-operate in remediation when appropriate
Does the standard include requirements on setting up policies or procedures to manage basic labour rights in the workplace?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Fair Wear requires its member brands to review their own practices to avoid negative impact, conduct a risk assessment, do a prioritisation, and accordingly engage in prevention and improvement. This is called the risk-based supply chain improvement cycle. The key to successful Fair Wear membership is demonstrating progress over time, which is measured in how the Fair Wear Code of Labour Practices are being implemented during the yearly Brand Performance Check. Fair Wear member brand have to assess the facilitaties' compliance level in a risk assessment before selecting a new facility. Part of the risk assessment is completing a 'know your supplier' tool which includes questions/evidence on the factory's internal compliance management system. And Corrective Action Plan Template: For any non-compliance with the Fair Wear Code of Labour Practices, the Fair Wear auditor gives requirements and recommends steps for improvement, which are discussed with the management of the factory. The requirements and recommendations of the audit team form the basis of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP), which contains realistic steps for improvement within a clear time frame. In addition to the 8 labour standards, the CAP contains information on the factory's management system: ● The factory has not posted the FWF Code of Labour Practices in local language and the contact details of the local complaints handler at an easily accessible location for workers ● The factory has not informed the FWF member about subcontracting ● The factory has coached workers prior to the audit ● The factory has falsified documents in preparation for the audit ● The factory does not have a system to monitor its own working conditions and improve its compliance status ● Factory policies, procedures and regulations do not comply with laws and/or FWF Code of Labour Practices ● Disciplinary actions are not documented and/or not in accordance with factory's own rules ● Managers and supervisors do not follow the disciplinary procedures ● Management has not actively informed workers about the FWF Code of Labour Practices and/or relevant national or local legislation ● The factory's policies and procedures are not communicated to workers ● There is no internal grievance mechanism ● Internal grievance mechanisms have been established but are not functional ● There are no democratically elected workers' representatives ● Most workers are not aware of the FWF complaints mechanism and/or Code of Labour Practices
Does the standard include requirements to inform workers about their labour rights?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
FCS-01 Factory management has not communicated about Fair Wear code of labour practices / local regulations on rights and duties to its workforce FCS-02 Factory management has not communicated its own policies and procedures to the workforce FCS-08 Factory management has not provided any trainings to worker representatives on compliance requirements HS-10 Safety & health training for workers is not provided or inadequate
Does the standard include criteria on the formation of workers representations where freedom of association is restricted by law?
Child Labour
Does the standard require verification and documentation of age of (young) workers?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
NCL-02 The factory employs children under the age of 15 NCL-03 The factory does not have a written policy regarding juvenile workers NCL-04 Juvenile work is not compliant to local law and/or international standards NCL-05 Factory does not maintain complete age or identity records in workers' personnel files NCL-06 Factory does not check age proof documents of workers at the time of employment NCL-07 Factory does not conduct alternate age verification for workers who cannot produce age records NCL-08 Contracts for juvenile workers are not signed by parent or legal guardian NCL-09 Juvenile workers are not registered and/or recorded as per law with the local labour bureau or equivalent NCL-10 No regular health check-ups for juvenile workers are conducted
Does the standard require that assistance be provided to replaced child workers?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
FWF requires that affiliated companies take action to ensure that child labour as described in FWF’s Code of Labour Practice does not occur in their supply chains. FWF requires all affiliates to implement the following steps: [...] 2. If/when child labour is found [...] • The employment relationship between the production facility and the child worker(s) must be formally terminated. The affiliate and supplier are obliged to compensate the child’s family for at least the legal minimum wage the child would have earned. These wages should be paid monthly (not as a lump sum) until the child has reached the minimum working age set out in the FWF Code of Labour Practices or, if it is higher, the legal minimum age for working. • Another acceptable compensatory measure is for the affiliate and the production site to find employment for another, older and unemployed family member who meets the legal requirements to work.
FWF Policy
Does the standard include criteria on special treatment of young workers?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
4. No exploitation of child labour There shall be no use of child labour. The age for admission to employment shall not be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and, in any case, not less than 15 years.” (ILO Convention 138) “There shall be no forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory labour. […] Children [in the age of 15-18] shall not perform work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm their health, safety or morals.” (ILO Convention 182) 8. Legally binding employment relationship Obligations to employees under labour or social security laws and regulations arising from the regular employment relationship shall not be avoided through the use of labour-only contracting arrangements, or through apprenticeship schemes where there is no real intent to impart skills or provide regular employment. Younger workers shall be given the opportunity to participate in education and training programmes.
4. No exploitation of child labour 8. Legally binding employment relationship
Does the standard require verification and documentation of age of (young) workers?
Wages and Benefits
Does the standard require paying wages sufficient to meet basic needs of the worker and his or her family (living wage)?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week shall meet at least legal or industry minimum standards and always be sufficient to meet basic needs of workers and their families and to provide some discretionary income. (ILO Conventions 26 and 131) Deductions from wages for disciplinary measures shall not be permitted nor shall any deductions from wages not provided for by national law be permitted. Deductions shall never constitute an amount that will lead the employee to receive less than the minimum wage. Employees shall be adequately and clearly informed about the specifications of their wages including wage rates and pay period.
5. Payment of living wage
Does the standard require paying legal minimum wages?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week shall meet at least legal or industry minimum standards and always be sufficient to meet basic needs of workers and their families and to provide some discretionary income. (ILO Conventions 26 and 131) Deductions from wages for disciplinary measures shall not be permitted nor shall any deductions from wages not provided for by national law be permitted. Deductions shall never constitute an amount that will lead the employee to receive less than the minimum wage. Employees shall be adequately and clearly informed about the specifications of their wages including wage rates and pay period.
5. Payment of living wage
Does the standard require the provision of social benefits?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
8. Legally binding employment relationship Obligations to employees under labour or social security laws and regulations arising from the regular employment relationship shall not be avoided through the use of labour-only contracting arrangements, or through apprenticeship schemes where there is no real intent to impart skills or provide regular employment. Younger workers shall be given the opportunity to participate in education and training programmes. LW-04 Allowances, bonuses or social security benefits are not paid as legally required LW-05 Overtime premium is not paid as legally required ND-06 There is no record of workers who availed maternity benefits ND-07 Male workers are not granted paternity leave when legally required ND-08 Factory management changes the employment status, position, wages, benefits or seniority of workers during/after maternity leave ND-09 Factory management dismisses workers or forces them to leave based on their health status, pregnancy or maternity leave
Does the standard require compensating overtime?
Possible answers
- Basic: Yes (1 point)
- Advanced: Yes and overtime is paid at a rate of at least 125% of the regular income (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
Hours of work shall comply with applicable laws and industry standards. In any event, workers shall not on a regular basis be required to work in excess of 48 hours per week and shall be provided with at least one day off for every seven-day period. Overtime shall be voluntary, shall not exceed 12 hours per week, shall not be demanded on a regular basis and shall always be compensated at a premium rate. (ILO Convention 1)
6. Reasonable hours of work
Does the standard require paid leave?
Possible answers
- Basic: One out of three (casual / sick / annual leave) (0 points)
- Advanced: Two out of three (casual / sick / annual leave) (1 point)
Excerpt from standard:
B. Required leaves are not provided to workers D. 1) What is the leave policy, including sick leave, annual paid leave and public holiday leave? 2) Can workers avail leaves, what is the process?
Does the standard require wages being paid in a timely, regular and convenient manner understood by all employees?
Possible answers
- Basic: Yes, some measures are in place (1 point)
- Advanced: Yes, all measures are in place (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
Payment of a living wage Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week shall meet at least legal or industry minimum standards and always be sufficient to meet basic needs of workers and their families and to provide some discretionary income. (ILO Conventions 26 and 131). Deductions from wages for disciplinary measures shall not be permitted nor shall any deductions from wages not provided for by national law be permitted. Deductions shall never constitute an amount that will lead the employee to receive less than the minimum wage. Employees shall be adequately and clearly informed about the specifications of their wages including wage rates and pay period. FW Potential and Actual Harms: LBER-05 Work contracts do not specify the employment terms and conditions LBER-06 Workers do not understand the employment terms and conditions LW-06 Wages are paid later than legally required. LW-17 Workers do not receive a payslip OR receive a payslip but it is not in the language understood by the workers
Audit manual - Payment of a Living Wage p. 72
Does the standard require paying wages sufficient to meet basic needs of the worker and his or her family (living wage)?
Does the standard include criteria on having policies and/ or processes in place that prevent discrimination of women and men in the workplace?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
3. There is no discrimination in employment Recruitment, wage policy, admittance to training programmes, employee promotion policy, policies of employment termination, retirement, and any other aspect of the employment relationship shall be based on the principle of equal opportunities, regardless of race, colour, sex, religion, political affiliation, union membership, nationality, social origin, deficiencies or handicaps (ILO Conventions 100 and 111). ND-01 There are no written policies and procedures regarding discrimination ND-02 Race, gender, caste, origin, religion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership and/or political opinion are influencing factors in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination and/or retirement ND-03 There is no internal grievance system where workers can raise complaints on discrimination and harassment ND-04 There is a grievance mechanism on discrimination and harassment, but it is ineffective ND-05 Factory management conducts health screenings (pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, HBV etc.) during recruitment process or during employment ND-06 There is no record of workers who availed maternity benefits ND-07 Male workers are not granted paternity leave when legally required ND-08 Factory management changes the employment status, position, wages, benefits or seniority of workers during/after maternity leave ND-09 Factory management dismisses workers or forces them to leave based on their health status, pregnancy or maternity leave ND-10 The percentage of women in supervisory and other higher-paid positions is low ND-11 Workers with disabilities who apply for work are not evaluated according to their ability to perform the job ND-12 There is no formal performance review system of workers which increases the risk of discrimination
3. There is no discrimination in employment
Does the standard include criteria on the right to maternity leave (as defined in ILO 183)?
Possible answers
- Basic: Partial compliance (1 point)
- Advanced: Full compliance (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
This means production locations should: Comply with legislation that addresses issues that relate to women, for example, maternity and childcare laws, including pay, record keeping, occupational health and safety requirements. This would include, for example, ensuring that pregnant workers are not exposed to dangerous working conditions, that they do not experience discrimination in the workplace, and that they are provided the legally allocated maternity leave and the ability to return to their job at the same level or higher, if they choose. Promote and facilitate childcare facilities for workers. Monitor if women workers are returning to work after maternity, and if the numbers are lower than average, investigate and address why. CAP Management dismisses workers who are pregnant or on maternity leave or forces them to resign Management dismisses workers based on their health status Management changes the employment status, position, wages, benefits or seniority of workers during/after maternity leave Male workers are not granted paternity leave when legally required Despite a majority of female workforce, there is no record of workers receiving maternity benefits Workers are subject to harassment on the basis of disability, pregnancy etc.
Gender Equality Policy
Does the standard include criteria on having policies and/ or processes in place that prevent discrimination of women and men in the workplace?
Voluntary Labour
Does the scheme require that workers are not held in debt bondage or forced to work for an employer to pay off debt?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
There shall be no use of forced, including bonded or prison, labour. (ILO Conventions 29 and 105)
1. Employment is freely chosen
Does the standard prohibit the withholding of workers' documents?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Factory management withholds wages and documents of workers
Does the standard include criteria on the freedom of movement of employees?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Employment is freely chosen. There shall be no use of forced, including bonded or prison, labour. (ILO Conventions 29 and 105) EFC-01 The factory does not have a written policy regarding forced labour/employment is freely chosen EFC-02 Workers are not allowed to leave the premises outside legal working hours EFC-03 Factory management withholds wages and documents of workers EFC-04 Workers are not free to terminate their employment with reasonable notice or leave when their contracts expire EFC-05 Workers are obliged to pay significant deposits when starting employment EFC-06 Factory management delays paying workers when workers decide to resign EFC-07 Factory management restricts worker movement within factory premise EFC-08 The factory subcontracts work to a prison EFC-09 Workers with debts from management are forced to stay in the job EFC-10 Workers are required to sign/put thumb impression on blank papers EFC-11 Workers have debts to/loans from the management without any written terms and conditions EFC-12 Overtime is not voluntary
Does the scheme require that workers are not held in debt bondage or forced to work for an employer to pay off debt?
Does the standard include criteria on the non-discrimination of persons with disabilities?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Recruitment, wage policy, admittance to training programmes, employee promotion policy, policies of employment termination, retirement, and any other aspect of the employment relationship shall be based on the principle of equal opportunities, regardless of race, colour, sex, religion, political affiliation, union membership, nationality, social origin, deficiencies or handicaps (ILO Conventions 100 and 111).
3. There is no discrimination in employment
Does the standard include criteria on the non-discrimination of persons with disabilities?
Working Hours
Does the standard include criteria on working hours, rest days or overtime?
Possible answers
- Basic: Requirement to include criteria on working hours, rest days or overtime / voluntary extra work at least according to national law or industry specific minimum standards (1 point)
- Advanced: Standard requirements comply with ILO 1 requirements (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
Hours of work shall comply with applicable laws and industry standards. In any event, workers shall not on a regular basis be required to work in excess of 48 hours per week and shall be provided with at least one day off for every seven-day period. Overtime shall be voluntary, shall not exceed 12 hours per week, shall not be demanded on a regular basis and shall always be compensated at a premium rate. (ILO Convention 1)
6. Reasonable hours of work
Does the standard include criteria on working hours, rest days or overtime?
Scope of Labour Rights
Do worker's rights and benefits set out by the standard apply to all forms of work?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Recruitment, wage policy, admittance to training programmes, employee promotion policy, policies of employment termination, retirement, and any other aspect of the employment relationship shall be based on the principle of equal opportunities, regardless of race, colour, sex, religion, political affiliation, union membership, nationality, social origin, deficiencies or handicaps (ILO Conventions 100 and 111). Corrective Action Plan: Copies of contracts are not provided to workers Not all workers, both on the premises and offsite, have a contract The content of employment contracts does not comply with legal requirements Contracts do not specify the terms and conditions of employment Workers do not understand the terms and conditions of employment Management does not cover all eligible workers under the social security scheme Social security is not paid as per law The use of probation and apprenticeship does not comply with legal requirements The factory uses an employment agency that does not meet local requirements as a labour provider Individual personnel files are incomplete Workers hired through employment agencies do not receive full legal and social security entitlements Workers are dismissed and rehired to avoid paying wages and benefits for permanent workers Workers are consistently employed on temporary contracts Workers are required to sign blank papers, resignation letters etc. Management fails to comply with requirements when dismissing workers (valid reasons, prior notice, termination payments, unused annual leave etc.) Management does not comply with legal requirements concerning sub-contracted workers, homeworkers and/or migrant workers
Audit manual - Legally binding emploment relationship p. 90
Do the standard's rights and benefits for workers also apply to sub-contracted labour?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
LBER-16 Factory management does not comply with legal requirements concerning sub-contracted workers, homeworkers and/or migrant workers
Audit manual - Legally binding emploment relationship p. 90
Does the standard include criteria on the establishment of labour contracts compliant with national legal requirements?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
LBER-02 There are no work contracts or other proof of employment relation for all workers LBER-03 Workers are not provided copies of contracts or appointment letters LBER-04 Content of the work contract does not comply with legal requirements LBER-05 Work contracts do not specify the employment terms and conditions LBER-06 Workers do not understand the employment terms and conditions LBER-13 Workers are consistently employed on temporary contracts LBER-14 Workers sign on work contracts or resignation letters without knowledge of the content
Audit manual - Legally binding emploment relationship p. 90
Does the standard include criteria on contracts provided to workers in a language understandable to them?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
LBER-06 Workers do not understand the employment terms and conditions
Does the standard require compliance with (at least) all ILO Core Conventions for different suppliers along the supply chain?
Possible answers
- Basic: Main tier 1 suppliers (1 point)
- Advanced: All tier 1 suppliers (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
The Code of Labour Practices is based on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. In the text below, references are made to specific conventions. Where clarifications of ILO Conventions are required, FWF follows ILO Recommendations and existing jurisprudence.
Do worker's rights and benefits set out by the standard apply to all forms of work?
Other Labour Rights
Health and Safety
Occupational Health and Safety
Does the standard prohibit harassment or abuse of workers?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
7. Safe and healthy working conditions A safe and hygienic working environment shall be provided, and best occupational health and safety practice shall be promoted, bearing in mind the prevailing knowledge of the industry and of any specific hazards. Appropriate attention shall be paid to occupational hazards specific to this branch of the industry and assure that a safe and hygienic work environment is provided for. Effective regulations shall be implemented to prevent accidents and minimise health risks as much as possible (following ILO Convention 155). Physical abuse, threats of physical abuse, unusual punishments or discipline, sexual and other harassment, and intimidation by the employer is strictly prohibited.
7. Safe and healthy working conditions
Does the standard include requirements on workplace conditions?
Possible answers
- Basic: At least four requirements on proper workplace environment (1 point)
- Advanced: All requirements on proper workplace environment (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
HS-26 Dust density is high HS-27 Noise level exceeds maximum exposure limit HS-28 Temperature of the environment is not appropriate HS-29 Slippery surfaces are not designated HS-30 Work environment is cluttered/untidy HS-31 Ventilation is insufficient or inadequate HS-32 Overall lighting is insufficient or inadequate HS-33 Workers in standing positions are not provided with anti-fatigue mat HS-34 Workers in sitting positions are not provided with chairs with back support
Page 96-97.
Does the standard require policies and procedures to manage health and safety in the workplace?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
A safe and hygienic working environment shall be provided, and best occupational health and safety practice shall be promoted, bearing in mind the prevailing knowledge of the industry and of any specific hazards. Appropriate attention shall be paid to occupational hazards specific to this branch of the industry and assure that a safe and hygienic work environment is provided for. Effective regulations shall be implemented to prevent accidents and minimise health risks as much as possible (following ILO Convention 155). Physical abuse, threats of physical abuse, unusual punishments or discipline, sexual and other harassment, and intimidation by the employer is strictly prohibited.
7. Safe and healthy working conditions
Does the standard include criteria on the access to basic medical services for workers?
Possible answers
- Basic: Only treatment of acute work-related accidents/ illness (1 point)
- Advanced: Work-related accidents plus preventative care (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
HS-10 Safety & health training for workers is not provided or inadequate HS-17 Medical checks for workers are not provided or insufficient HS-18 First aid personnel is not trained or insufficient HS-19 Medical room or medical facility is not available or inadequate HS-20 First aid kit is missing or insufficient HS-23 Safety & Health procedure for pregnant or nursing workers does not exist or is inadequate HS-25 Worker transport provided by the factory is unsafe or inadequate
Does the standard require compensation payments/ covering of costs in case of work related accidents and injuries?
Possible answers
- Basic: Partial coverage of costs (1 point)
- Advanced: Full coverage of costs (2 points)
Does the standard require that workers have access to safe drinking water?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
HS-63 Water or food containers are not labelled or not stored appropriately HS-68 Clean drinking water is not free and available
Page 98. OHS Requirements tick list.
Does the standard require access to clean and improved sanitation facilities?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
HS-02 Factory working conditions pose threat to the health of workers HS-24 Insufficient number of toilets HS-64 Factory management does not provide hygienic materials for workers in the toilets HS-65 Toilets are not cleaned adequately HS-66 Canteen staff certificate is invalid or insufficient HS-67 Handwashing facilities in the canteen are inadequate
Page 4. General work environment
Does the standard require training of workers on health and safety issues?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Systematic (1 point)
Excerpt from standard:
HS-10 Safety & health training for workers is not provided or inadequate
Does the scheme require safe and appropriate housing for all workers?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
HS-23 Safety & Health procedure for pregnant or nursing workers does not exist or is inadequate HS-24 Insufficient number of toilets HS-53 Building safety is inadequate HS-54 Factory dormitories do not ensure safety and health of workers HS-55 Factory dormitories are not separated from production areas HS-56 Factory dormitories do not comply with minimum personal space requirements HS-62 Food storage and preparation is not hygienic HS-63 Water or food containers are not labelled or not stored appropriately HS-64 Factory management does not provide hygienic materials for workers in the toilets HS-65 Toilets are not cleaned adequately HS-66 Canteen staff certificate is invalid or insufficient HS-67 Handwashing facilities in the canteen are inadequate HS-68 Clean drinking water is not available
Does the standard prohibit harassment or abuse of workers?
Building and Fire Safety
Does the standard include criteria on building safety?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
HS-35 Evacuation drills are not conducted as legally required HS-36 Evacuation plan is not available, incorrect or inappropriate HS-37 Fire evacuation route(s) are blocked, inadequate or not clearly marked HS-38 Fire alarm is inadequate HS-39 Fire fighting equipment is insufficient and/or not appropriately maintained HS-40 Fire exits are insufficient and/or signs and maps are defective or missing HS-41 Emergency lighting is missing, inadequate or malfunctioned HS-42 Inadequate storage of inflammable materials HS-43 Regular electrical safety inspections are not conducted or insufficient HS-44 Electrical wiring is inadequately encased or secured HS-45 Access to breaker switch is blocked HS-46 Electrical distribution board is inadequate
Does the standard cover fire-preparedness?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
HS-35 Evacuation drills are not conducted as legally required HS-36 Evacuation plan is not available, incorrect or inappropriate HS-37 Fire evacuation route(s) are blocked, inadequate or not clearly marked HS-38 Fire alarm is inadequate HS-39 Fire fighting equipment is insufficient and/or not appropriately maintained HS-40 Fire exits are insufficient and/or signs and maps are defective or missing HS-41 Emergency lighting is missing, inadequate or malfunctioned HS-42 Inadequate storage of inflammable materials
Page 2. Fire & electrical safety
Does the standard include criteria on evacuation safety and emergency management plan?
Possible answers
- Basic: Emergency and evacuation safety requirements exist (1 point)
- Advanced: An emergency management plan exists (1 point)
Excerpt from standard:
HS-35 Evacuation drills are not conducted as legally required HS-36 Evacuation plan is not available, incorrect or inappropriate HS-37 Fire evacuation route(s) are blocked, inadequate or not clearly marked HS-38 Fire alarm is inadequate HS-39 Fire fighting equipment is insufficient and/or not appropriately maintained HS-40 Fire exits are insufficient and/or signs and maps are defective or missing HS-41 Emergency lighting is missing, inadequate or malfunctioned
Does the standard include criteria on building safety?
Occupational Health and Safety
ILO Core Conventions
Business Practice and Ethical Issues
Economic Development and Fair Business Practice
Economic Sustainability
Does the standard include criteria on the provision of professional training for workers?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Recruitment, wage policy, admittance to training programmes, employee promotion policy, policies of employment termination, retirement, and any other aspect of the employment relationship shall be based on the principle of equal opportunities, regardless of race, colour, sex, religion, political affiliation, union membership, nationality, social origin, deficiencies or handicaps (ILO Conventions 100 and 111).
3. There is no discrimination in employment
Does the standard include criteria on business viability?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on management plans for continuous improvement?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Fair Wear requires its member brands to review their own practices to avoid negative impact, conduct a risk assessment, do a prioritisation, and accordingly engage in prevention and improvement. This is called the risk-based supply chain improvement cycle. Members are expected to carry out the work through the below steps according to the requirements, while Fair Wear’s role is to guide them, support them, connect them with local stakeholders, and assess their performance.
Fair Wear member requirements
Does the standard include criteria on improving productivity?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Workers expressed that they are facing unrealistic production demands According to factory management, the purchasing practices of the FWF member contribute to excessive overtime in the factory
Safety & health
Does the standard include criteria on the provision of professional training for workers?
Does the standard include criteria on business legality?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Proof of registration or factory licenses for operation, employment, etc.
Audit Manual, p. 28, procedure for documents inspection
Does the standard include a requirement for compliance with relevant local, regional and national laws and regulations?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
FMS-06 Factory policies and procedures are maintained but do not comply with local law / international standard or FW code of labour practices
Does the standard include criteria on business legality?
Responsible Sourcing Practices
Does the standard include criteria on fair prices or price premiums?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the standard's rights and benefits for workers also apply to input suppliers?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
The management system requirements that shall be met are: 1. Sourcing practices [...] 1.2. Working conditions and the willingness of suppliers to cooperate on improvements are important criteria in the selection of new suppliers and the continuation of business relationships
Management system requirements
Does the standard include criteria on reducing time pressure for suppliers?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
The management system requirements that shall be met are: 1. Sourcing practices 1.3. Delivery times and the pricing policy do not lead to excessive overtime and contribute to a systematic approach towards a living wage for workers
Management system requirements
Does the standard include criteria for the production processes beyond primary production?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Fair Wear expects that companies adopt HRDD policies tailored to their operations and supply chain.
Does the standard include criteria on fair prices or price premiums?
Economic Sustainability
Corruption and Bribery
Does the standard include criteria on the prevention of corruption and bribery?
Possible answers
- Basic: Corruption and bribery is prohibited (1 point)
- Advanced (0 points)
Excerpt from standard:
FWF engages with stakeholders in production countries that are professional, independent and not corrupt.
Page 5
Does the standard include criteria on conducting a due diligence assessment of business partners, including subsidiaries and contractors?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on training workers in positions of responsibility workers on issues of corruption and bribery?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on the prevention of corruption and bribery?
Economic Development and Fair Business Practice
Social & Cultural Rights and Community Engagement
Local Economic Development
Does the standard include criteria relating to a preference to purchase local materials, goods, products and services?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
Effective regulations shall be implemented to prevent accidents and minimise health risks as much as possible (following ILO Convention 155).(ILO 155, Article 16.1: Employers shall be required to ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the workplaces, machinery, equipment and processes under their control are safe and without risk to health.)
Does the standard include criteria relating to hiring workers from local communities?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on investment in community development beyond the business' operations?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on not adversely affecting local communities and neighboring small producers access to livelihoods (especially land and water)?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria relating to a preference to purchase local materials, goods, products and services?
Community Rights
Does the standard include criteria on dispute resolution mechanisms for affected communities?
Possible answers
- Basic: The standard has to require a grievance mechanism for affected communities. (1 point)
- Advanced: The standard provides fair compensation for negative impacts of operations on local communities and individuals. (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on the protection of local historical, archaeological, cultural, and spiritual properties and sites?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Protect and do not impede access (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on dispute resolution mechanisms for affected communities?
Local Economic Development