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Fairtrade International Textile Standard
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  • Aim/Focus
  • Standard organisation
  • Good to know
The "Fairtrade - Textiles" label aims to improve the living and working conditions of workers in the textile industry. It also supports environmentally sound production. The label obliges traders of textiles to fair trading conditions with the help of licence agreements.
The standard organisation is the umbrella organisation FLO e. V. (Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International). It develops the criteria for fairtrade on the basis of which the label is awarded. National member organisations such as TransFair e.V. market the label.
The "Fairtrade - Textiles" label was developed in addition to the Fairtrade - Cotton label in order to be able to extend the Fairtrade approach to the entire textile value chain.
Information about scheme documents

Below is a list of documents and policies that were used in the collection of the scheme data:

Fairtrade Textile standard

Cred­i­bil­i­ty 88%

  • Availability of Scheme Structure
  • Independence of Scheme Owner from Certificate Holder
  • Availability of Standard
  • Public Consultation of Standard
  • Standard Review
  • Scheme Legal Status
  • Sources of Finance
  • Standard-Setting Process
  • Assessment Methodology
  • Sustainability Goals and Objectives of the Scheme
  • Key Issues
  • Stakeholder Feedback
  • Consistent Interpretation
  • Scheme Accessibility
  • Assurance Provider Complaints and Appeals Mechanism
  • Assessment Reports Availability
  • Scope and Duration of Certificate / License
  • Certified or Verified Enterprise / Labelled Product List
  • Accredited/ Approved Assurance Providers
  • Independent Conformity Assessment
  • Consistent Decision-Making on Conformity
  • Procedure on Non-Conformities
  • Claims and Labelling Policy
  • Scheme Management
    • Governance
      • Does the scheme owner make its organisational structure publicly available, including composition of governance bodies?
        Answer: Yes publicly
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (on request) (0 points)
        • Yes publicly (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
      • Is the scheme owner a legal entity, or an organization that is a partnership of legal entities, or a government or inter-governmental agency?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Is there a mechanism for stakeholders to participate in scheme development and decision-making?
        Answer: Yes available on request
        Score: 1/2
        Possible answers
        • Yes available publicly (2 points)
        • Yes available on request (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
      • Do the voting procedures of the top decision-making body ensure that there is a balanced representation of stakeholder interests, where no single interest predominates?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner make quantitative information on the income sources or financing structure of the scheme available?
        Answer: Yes publicly
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Yes (on request) (1 point)
        • Yes publicly (2 points)
        • No (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner have an internal quality management system available?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (on request) (1 point)
        • Yes publicly (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
      • Is the scheme owner economically independent from the certificate holder?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner have sustainability-oriented goals and objectives?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner have a strategy for meeting its sustainability-oriented goals and objectives?
        Answer: Yes publicly
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (on request) (1 point)
        • Yes publicly (2 points)
    • Impact
      • Does the scheme owner have a system in place for measuring its impacts and progress towards its sustainability goals?
        Answer: Yes publicly
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (on request) (1 point)
        • Yes publicly (2 points)
      • Does the scheme owner use the results of monitoring and evaluation for learning and improvements to its programme?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner make sustainability results from M&E available?
        Answer: Yes publicly
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (on request) (1 point)
        • Yes publicly (2 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
    • Complaints Mechanism
      • Does the scheme owner have a publicly available and easily accessible complaints mechanism?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
    • Supporting Strategies
      • Does the scheme implement strategies or activities to support improved performance of participating enterprises, e.g. capacity building, access to finance?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not Applicable (0 points)
  • Standard-Setting
    • Is the standard made publicly available free of charge?
      Answer: Yes publicly
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • Yes (on request) (0 points)
      • Yes publicly (1 point)
      • No (0 points)
    • Has a set of key sustainability issues in the sector where the scheme operates or product lifecycle been defined in the standard-setting process?
      Answer: yes
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • No (0 points)
      • yes (1 point)
    • Is the standard-setting procedure or a summary of the process for how stakeholders can engage in standard-setting made publicly available?
      Answer: Yes publicly
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • Yes (on request) (0 points)
      • Yes publicly (1 point)
      • No (0 points)
    • Can stakeholders participate in the standard-setting process?
      Answer: All stakeholders
      Score: 2/2
      Possible answers
      • Members only (1 point)
      • Invitation only (1 point)
      • All stakeholders (2 points)
    • Are stakeholders who are directly affected by the standard provided opportunities to participate in standard setting?
      Answer: yes
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • No (0 points)
      • yes (1 point)
    • Are draft standards field tested / piloted for relevance and auditability through the development and revision processes?
      Answer: Yes
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • Yes (1 point)
      • No (0 points)
      • Not applicable (0 points)
    • Does the scheme owner provide information on how the input received from consultations has been included in the final version of the standard?
      Answer: Yes publicly
      Score: 2/2
      Possible answers
      • Yes (on request) (1 point)
      • Yes publicly (2 points)
      • No (0 points)
    • Do the voting procedures of the decision-making body responsible for standard setting ensure that there is a balanced representation of stakeholder interests?
      Answer: yes
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • No (0 points)
      • yes (1 point)
    • Is the standard reviewed and, if necessary, revised at least every 5 years?
      Answer: yes
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • No (0 points)
      • yes (1 point)
    • Does the scheme ensure that guidance is in place to support consistent interpretation of the standard?
      Answer: yes
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • No (0 points)
      • yes (1 point)
    • Are there procedures and guidance for application or interpretation of the standard to regional contexts?
      Answer: Yes
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • Yes (1 point)
      • No (0 points)
      • Not applicable (0 points)
  • Assurance
    • Assurance System
      • Is there a publicly available documented assessment methodology for assurance providers to assess conformity with the standard?
        Answer: Yes publicly available
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes available on request (0 points)
        • Yes publicly available (1 point)
      • Is application (to get certified/verified) open to all potential applicants within the scope of the scheme?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner provide information on assessment fees or require this of assurance providers?
        Answer: Yes available on request
        Score: 1/2
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes available on request (1 point)
        • Yes publicly available (2 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to have an easily accessible complaints and appeals mechanism?
        Answer: Yes publicly available
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes available on request (1 point)
        • Yes publicly available (2 points)
      • Does the scheme owner make, or require assurance providers to make a summary of certification/verification reports (with personal and commercially sensitive information removed) available?
        Answer: No (confidential)
        Score: 1/2
        Possible answers
        • No (no reports) (0 points)
        • No (confidential) (1 point)
        • Yes (on request) (2 points)
        • Yes publicly (2 points)
      • Does the certificate or license define the scope of assurance and duration for which it is valid?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner maintain or require assurance providers to maintain a publicly accessible list of certified or verified enterprises, or a list of verified products/product groups, or a list of members (in case of membership-based initiatives)?
        Answer: Yes incl. scope of certificate or license
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes incl. scope of certificate or license (2 points)
      • Does the scheme owner maintain a current and publicly available list of all accredit-ed/approved/suspended assurance providers?
        Answer: Yes (publicly)
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (on request) (0 points)
        • Yes (publicly) (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner review the effectiveness of their assurance system on a periodic basis?
        Answer: Every 5 years
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Annual (1 point)
        • Every 3 years (1 point)
        • Every 5 years (1 point)
        • Ad hoc (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require that clients and other affected stakeholders are notified of changes to the assurance requirements?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme require performance improvements over time to maintain certification?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner have a documented assessment methodology for assurance providers that are assessing chain of custody?
        Answer: yes publicly available
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • yes publicly available (2 points)
        • yes available on request (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to report to them on complaints received and, on the actions, taken to resolve the issue?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner maintain an information management system?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
      • Has the scheme specified equivalence requirements for any other scheme assurance results it recognises?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
    • Conformity Assessment
      • Conformity Assessment Process
        • Does the scheme require a third-party conformity assessment of all clients for compliance with its standard?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 2/2
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (2 points)
          • Not Applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner define requirements for decision-making to ensure that assurance providers use consistent procedures for determining the conformity of clients or laboratory testing results with the standard?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to have a procedure in place for how clients are required to address non-conformities, including when a certificate or license is suspended or revoked?
          Answer: yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • yes (1 point)
      • Sustainability Audits
        • Does the scheme owner have a documented oversight approach that requires assurance providers to be accredited or compliant with ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17025 (for laboratories) requirements, or alternatively to be compliant with the relevant ISEAL Assurance Code requirements?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Not Applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner require that clients are audited on a regular, recurring basis?
          Answer: 2-3 years
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • 1 year or less (1 point)
          • 1-2 years (1 point)
          • 2-3 years (1 point)
          • 4-5 years (1 point)
          • 5 years or more (1 point)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Is the frequency or intensity of an audit or oversight assessment based on a risk assessment of the client or assurance provider?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner specify the required intensity for each type of audit and the activities that must be carried out by assurance providers for each of its standards?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Not Applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner allow or require assurance providers to do unannounced audits?
          Answer: Allowed
          Score: 1/2
          Possible answers
          • Allowed (1 point)
          • Required (2 points)
          • Not allowed (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Are auditors and assessors required to seek external stakeholder input during the audit and oversight assessment process?
          Answer: No
          Score: 0/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Not Applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to follow a consistent report format?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner require that assurance providers and oversight bodies use competent and impartial personnel (other than auditor/assessor/ team) to make decisions on compliance?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Group Certification
        • Is the group required to have a shared management system with clear responsibilities for implementation of the system?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner have a mechanism that prescribes and justifies how all sites within a group certification will be audited over time?
          Answer: No
          Score: 0/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Is there a sample size formula and sampling approach to determine the number of group members that is externally verified and how the sample is chosen?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/2
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Yes based on risk assessment (2 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Do the requirements on group certification/verification define the conditions under which a group member shall be suspended or removed from a group?
          Answer: Group suspension
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Member suspended from certification (1 point)
          • Member removed from a group (1 point)
          • Group suspension (1 point)
          • No repercussion (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Chain of Custody
        • Does the scheme owner require all enterprises that are physically handling the certified product to undergo a CoC audit if the product can be destined for retail sale as a certified, labelled product?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Laboratory Testing
        • In the documented assessment methodology, are test methods either referred to or included?
          Answer: Not applicable
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (on request) (1 point)
          • Yes publicly (1 point)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Are there rules on random sampling and testing for the conformity monitoring?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Is there a procedure to deal with non-conforming products manufactured by a client / licensee?
          Answer: Not applicable
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
    • Assessor/ Auditor Competencies
      • Does the scheme owner define the qualifications, competency, the required minimum industry audit experience and training requirements for assurance / oversight assessors?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not Applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner define the qualifications, competency, the required minimum industry audit experience and training requirements for assurance / oversight assessors?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner require that assurance provider auditors successfully complete auditor training on a standard that is relevant to the scheme and that is based on ISO 19011, or equivalent?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require that assurance and oversight providers implement a programme to monitor and ensure the continued competence and good performance of assessors and auditors?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner carry out or require assurance providers to carry out calibration activities to ensure that assessors /auditors are aligned?
        Answer: Ad Hoc
        Score: 1/2
        Possible answers
        • Annually (2 points)
        • Ad Hoc (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require that assurance providers have a Code of Conduct, or equivalent, and supporting procedures to guide behaviour and actions of assurance providers' personnel and to address misconduct
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner assess potential risks to auditor / assessor impartiality and where warranted, do they require assurance providers and oversight bodies to implement practices to mitigate these risks?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
    • Accreditation / Oversight
      • Does the scheme require an oversight mechanism and is it documented?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not Applicable (0 points)
      • Is oversight conducted by a third party independent of the scheme owner and assurance providers?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme define the nature and intensity of oversight activities on assurance providers?
        Answer: 2-3 years
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • <1 year (2 points)
        • 1 year (2 points)
        • 2-3 years (2 points)
        • 4-5 years (1 point)
        • >5 years (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
        • None (0 points)
      • Does the intensity of oversight activities take account of risk factors associated with the assurance providers and their personnel?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner clearly define the application and selection process for assurance providers?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner assess scheme-specific competence when accepting assurance providers that are accredited to other relevant standards (proxy accreditation)?
        Answer: Not applicable
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Yes assess scheme-specific competence (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme have or require oversight providers to have documented and accessible complaints and appeals mechanisms?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner define or request that oversight providers define how assurance providers have to address non-conformities raised through oversight?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require that summaries of oversight reports (with personal and commercially sensitive information removed) are made publicly available?
        Answer: Yes publicly
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (on request) (1 point)
        • Yes publicly (2 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require that on-site assessments of assurance providers are included in the oversight cycle?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require that oversight includes reviews of assurance provider performance in the field?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
  • Claims & Traceability
    • Traceability
      • Does the scheme owner have a documented Chain of Custody standard or other traceability requirements that apply to the full supply chain?
        Answer: Yes publicly available
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes available on request (1 point)
        • Yes publicly available (2 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Are there any CoC requirements for non-certified material, in case mixing of certified with uncertified inputs is allowed?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to verify that all enterprises within the chain maintain accurate and accessible records that allow any certified product or batch of products to be traceable from the point of sale to the buyer?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Are companies required to keep CoC records for at least the term of certificate validity?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme have a traceability system that enables checking of product flow between links of the supply chain?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
    • Claims & Labelling
      • Does the scheme owner have documented requirements for the use of its symbols, logos and/or claims related to its scheme and make them publicly available?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not Applicable (0 points)
      • Do claims requirements specify the types of claims that can be made for different types of CoC models, where the scheme owner allows for more than one model?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Are claims and label users required to use unique license numbers or other tracking mechanisms?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require surveillance of the accurate use of claims and labels in the market, including a complaints mechanism to report misuse?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Is the label accompanied by an explanatory text claim or a link to further information?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme have a procedure that defines specific consequences of misuse of claims and do they also require this of their assurance providers?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)

En­vi­ron­ment 68%

  • Hazardous Chemicals - Substances of very high concern under REACH
  • Chemicals Harmful to Human Health
  • Biodegredability of Substances
  • Chemicals Harmful to the Environment
  • Chemical Residues
  • Wastewater Parameters
  • Use of Natural Fibres
  • Use of Synthetic Fibres
  • Chemicals
    • Chemical Use
      • Does the standard include criteria on chemical use?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Document use of all chemicals (1 point)
        • Advanced: Increase efficiency/reduce chemical use (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:


      • Does the standard include criteria on chemicals listed on the REACH Candidate List as substances of very high concern?
        Answer: Advanced: Prohibit use except for defined derogations.
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic: SVHC of Candidate List is prohibited but specific derogations/deviations/exceptions for a defined use OR lists prohibited/restricted substances based risk on an assessment (1 point)
        • Advanced: Prohibit use except for defined derogations. (1 point)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.1 Management of hazardous substances 4.1.1 No hazardous substances (Immediate/Deal-breaker/Advanced) Your company does not use substances and preparations for application in its processes as per the Prohibited Materials List for Textiles (see annex 1).


        Textile: 4.1.1 No hazardous substances

      • Does the standard include criteria on H statements?
        Answer: Basic: Risk assessment OR selection of substances for MRSL considers H statements.
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Risk assessment OR selection of substances for MRSL considers H statements. (1 point)
        • Advanced: Prohibit use (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.1 Management of hazardous substances 4.1.1 No hazardous substances (Immediate/Deal-breaker/Basic) Your company does not use substances and preparations for application in its processes as per the Prohibited Materials List for Textiles (see annex 1).


        Textile: 4.1.1 No hazardous substances

      • Does the standard include criteria on the use of biocides?
        Answer: Advanced: Prohibit the use of biocides in the textile finishing processes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Restrict the use of biocides in the textile finishing processes (1 point)
        • Advanced: Prohibit the use of biocides in the textile finishing processes (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Annex 1 Prohibited Materials List for Textiles (PMLT) Additional Biocides used in textile production


        Annex 1 Prohibited Materials List for Textiles (PMLT) Additional Biocides used in textile production

      • Does the standard include criteria on the use of formaldehyde?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.1 Management of hazardous substances 4.1.2 No highly hazardous processes (Within 1 year/ Major/ Advanced): Your company does not apply processes that are highly hazardous for the environment or human health such as: * chlorine bleaching; * cross-linking agents with high formaldehyde levels (see Oeko Tex 100 limits for free 
formaldehyde); * Toxic and persistent organic and inorganic textile preservation chemicals (e.g., 
organic tin compounds, brominated compounds, chlorinated benzenes and toluenes, 
dieldrin, arsenic, and mercury); * use of chrom-salts for colour fastness; * sandblasting and Potassium Permanganate spray for finishing; * nano-materials (as per GOTS V.4 definition of nano-particles: particles with a size < 
100 nm). 
 4.1.3 Chemical residues testing (Immediate/ Major/ Advanced): Your company tests the limit values of the following substances groups: alkylphenols, alkylphenol ethoxylates, heavy metals, tinorganic compounds, azo-dyes/aryl amines, chlorophenols, perfluorinated chemicals, phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and formaldehyde. Your company uses test methods and methodology defined by Oeko-TEX® Standard 100 or equivalent.


        Textile: 4.1.2 No highly hazardous processes Textile: 4.1.3 Chemical residues testing

      • Does the standard include criteria on the use of nanomaterials?
        Answer: Advanced: Prohibit the use of nanomaterials
        Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Restrict the use of nanomaterials (0 points)
        • Advanced: Prohibit the use of nanomaterials (1 point)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.1 Management of hazardous substances 4.1.2 No highly hazardous processes (Within 1 year/ Major/ Advanced): Your company does not apply processes that are highly hazardous for the environment or human health such as: - chlorine bleaching; - cross-linking agents with high formaldehyde levels (see Oeko Tex 100 limits for free formaldehyde); - Toxic and persistent organic and inorganic textile preservation chemicals (e.g.,organic tin compounds, brominated compounds, chlorinated benzenes and toluenes, dieldrin, arsenic, and mercury); - use of chrom-salts for colour fastness; - sandblasting and Potassium Permanganate spray for finishing; - nano-materials (as per GOTS V.4 definition of nano-particles: particles with a size <100 nm).


        Textile: 4.1.2 No highly hazardous processes

      • Does the standard include criteria on the use of flame retardants?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic (0 points)
        • Advanced: Prohibit use (1 point)
      • Does the standard include criteria on biodegredability of substances?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.1 Management of hazardous substances 4.1.4 Plan to replace hazardous substances (Within 3 years/ Minor/Basic): Your company develops and follows a plan, with timelines, to replace the following substances with ecological alternatives: * biological active products; * PFOS, PFOA; * non-biodegradable and non-bio eliminable complexing agents, tensides and 
surfactants; * PVC in prints and accessories. You must measure and document the reduction of these substances.


        Textile: 4.1.4 Plan to replace hazardous substances

      • Does the standard include criteria on H statements H400, H410, H411?
        Answer: Basic: Include requirements for an ecological risk assessment of the substances in use OR the selection of substances for MRSL considers H statements
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Include requirements for an ecological risk assessment of the substances in use OR the selection of substances for MRSL considers H statements (1 point)
        • Advanced: Prohibit use of H statements except for the substance groups listed in the guidance (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.1 Management of hazardous substances 4.1.1 No hazardous substances (Immediate/Deal-breaker/Basic) Your company does not use substances and preparations for application in its processes as per the Prohibited Materials List for Textiles (see annex 1).


        Textile: 4.1.1 No hazardous substances

      • Does the standard include criteria on testing the final product regarding residues of chemicals?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.1 Management of hazardous substances 4.1.3 Chemical residues testing (Immediate/ Major): Your company tests the limit values of the following substances groups: alkylphenols, alkylphenol ethoxylates, heavy metals, tinorganic compounds, azo-dyes/aryl amines, chlorophenols, perfluorinated chemicals, phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and formaldehyde. Your company uses test methods and methodology defined by Oeko-TEX® Standard 100 or equivalent.


        Textile: 4.1.3 Chemical residues testing

      • Does the scheme include criteria on hazardous chemicals, as referenced by (1) Stockholm convention, (2) WHO class 1A and B, (3) Rotterdam convention or on similar sector specific lists?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:


      • Does the scheme include criteria on the use of materials containing dyes or pigments based on lead, copper, chromium, nickel, cadmium, cobalt and aluminium in the production phase?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.1 Management of hazardous substances 4.1.1 No hazardous substances (Immediate/Deal-breaker/Advanced) Your company does not use substances and preparations for application in its processes as per the Prohibited Materials List for Textiles (see annex 1). 4.1.2 No highly hazardous processes (Within 1 year/ Major/Advanced): Your company does not apply processes that are highly hazardous for the environment or human health such as: * chlorine bleaching; * cross-linking agents with high formaldehyde levels (see Oeko Tex 100 limits for free 
formaldehyde); * Toxic and persistent organic and inorganic textile preservation chemicals (e.g., 
organic tin compounds, brominated compounds, chlorinated benzenes and toluenes, 
dieldrin, arsenic, and mercury); * use of chrom-salts for colour fastness; * sandblasting and Potassium Permanganate spray for finishing; * nano-materials (as per GOTS V.4 definition of nano-particles: particles with a size < 
100 nm).


        Textile: 4.1.1 No hazardous substances Textile: 4.1.2 No highly hazardous processes

      • Does the standard include criteria on azo dyes that may cleave aromatic amines which are harmful to human health in the production phase?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.1 Management of hazardous substances 4.1.3 Chemical residues testing (Immediate/ Major): Your company tests the limit values of the following substances groups: alkylphenols, alkylphenol ethoxylates, heavy metals, tinorganic compounds, azo-dyes/aryl amines, chlorophenols, perfluorinated chemicals, phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and formaldehyde. Your company uses test methods and methodology defined by Oeko-TEX® Standard 100 or equivalent.


        Textile: 4.1.3 Chemical residues testing

      • Does the standard include criteria on the use of chlorine gas, elemental chlorine, chloroorganic compounds as bleaching agent?
        Answer: Advanced: Prohibit use
        Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Restrict use (1 point)
        • Advanced: Prohibit use (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.1 Management of hazardous substances 4.1.2 No highly hazardous processes (Within 1 year/ Major/ Advanced): Your company does not apply processes that are highly hazardous for the environment or human health such as: - chlorine bleaching; - cross-linking agents with high formaldehyde levels (see Oeko Tex 100 limits for freeformaldehyde); - Toxic and persistent organic and inorganic textile preservation chemicals (e.g., organic tin compounds, brominated compounds, chlorinated benzenes and toluenes, dieldrin, arsenic, and mercury); - use of chrom-salts for colour fastness; - sandblasting and Potassium Permanganate spray for finishing; - nano-materials (as per GOTS V.4 definition of nano-particles: particles with a size <100 nm).


        Textile: 4.1.2 No highly hazardous processes

      • Does the scheme include criteria on the use of mercury, cadmium, lead, chromiumVI and the ban on the manufacture, the use and treatment of mercury pursuant to the Minamata Convention?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.1 Management of hazardous substances 4.1.1 No hazardous substances (Immediate/Deal-breaker) Your company does not use substances and preparations for application in its processes as per the Prohibited Materials List for Textiles (see annex 1). 4.1.2 No highly hazardous processes (Within 1 year/ Major): Your company does not apply processes that are highly hazardous for the environment or human health such as: * chlorine bleaching; * cross-linking agents with high formaldehyde levels (see Oeko Tex 100 limits for free 
formaldehyde); * Toxic and persistent organic and inorganic textile preservation chemicals (e.g., 
organic tin compounds, brominated compounds, chlorinated benzenes and toluenes, 
dieldrin, arsenic, and mercury); * use of chrom-salts for colour fastness; * sandblasting and Potassium Permanganate spray for finishing; * nano-materials (as per GOTS V.4 definition of nano-particles: particles with a size < 
100 nm).


        Textile: 4.1.1 No hazardous substances Textile: 4.1.2 No highly hazardous processes

    • Handling of Chemicals
      • Does the standard include criteria on storage and labelling of chemicals?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety 3.6.9 Trainings on Health & Safety for specific tasks (Immediate/Major): Your company ensures that all workers and their representatives are trained in health and safety matters appropriately for their specific job and task. All chemical handlers are thoroughly instructed and trained at regular intervals by a recognised institution or by specialists in the safe application and the risks of chemicals. Safety instructions on the label of chemical products are followed. Workers that are engaged in any potentially hazardous work are trained according to the tasks they carry out at least once every year. Records of these training activities are kept indicating information on topics, time, duration, names of attendees and trainers. Training includes proper handling and storing of hazardous waste. 4.5 Waste 4.5.2 Cleaning, storing and disposal of hazardous waste (Immediate/Major): Your company does not reuse empty hazardous chemical containers for water or food storage. Empty containers are triple rinsed and the rinse water is used in the mix of pesticides to be applied. Once triple rinsed, empty containers are punctured and stored while awaiting disposal. All waste equipment that has been in contact with pesticides or hazardous chemicals is cleaned and stored in a proper way.


        Textile: 3.6.9 Trainings on Health & Safety for specific tasks Textile: 4.5.2 Cleaning, storing and disposal of hazardous waste

      • Does the standard include criteria on selective and targeted application of chemicals?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:


      • Does the standard include criteria on training on chemicals handling and exposure?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety 3.6.9 Trainings on Health & Safety for specific tasks (Immediate/Major): Your company ensures that all workers and their representatives are trained in health and safety matters appropriately for their specific job and task. All chemical handlers are thoroughly instructed and trained at regular intervals by a recognised institution or by specialists in the safe application and the risks of chemicals. Safety instructions on the label of chemical products are followed. Workers that are engaged in any potentially hazardous work are trained according to the tasks they carry out at least once every year. Records of these training activities are kept indicating information on topics, time, duration, names of attendees and trainers. Training includes proper handling and storing of hazardous waste.


        Textile: 3.6.9 Trainings on Health & Safety for specific tasks

      • Does the standard include criteria on specific procedures/controls to deal with pollution incidents (to mitigate environmental impacts)?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.2 Wastewater 4.2.1 Waste water treatment (Immediate/Major): If your company uses wet processing (e. g., desizing, bleaching, mercerizing, dyeing, printing, and other specific treatments where waste water occurs) you treat the waste water to prevent ground water pollution and for pollution control according to national legislation. Wastewater analyses are performed and documented periodically at normal operating capacity. 4.5 Waste 4.5.4 Hazardous waste (Immediate/Major): If your company generates hazardous waste or waste classified as special waste, you follow national and local legislation to avoid any pollution of ground water and air. Your company keeps the production site free of hazardous waste. Designated areas for the storage and disposal of hazardous waste exist and are used regularly. Risk of pollution from areas for storage and disposal of hazardous waste is minimized or eliminated.


        Textile: 4.2.1 Waste water treatment Textile: 4.5.4 Hazardous waste

  • Water
    • Water Use
      • Does the standard include criteria on water consumption in the production phase?
        Answer: Advanced: Monitor water volumes & increase efficiency
        Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Monitor volumes of water consumption over time (1 point)
        • Advanced: Monitor water volumes & increase efficiency (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.2 Wastewater 4.2.2 Measures to reduce water consumption (Within 5 years/ Minor/ Advanced): If your company uses wet processing, you develop measures for reduction of water consumption and/or water reuse and document achieved impact.


        Textile: 4.2.2 Measures to reduce water consumption

    • Wastewater
      • Does the standard include criteria on wastewater quality and wastewater treatment?
        Answer: Basic: Treat wastewater
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Treat wastewater (1 point)
        • Advanced: Treat wastewater with parameters defined to ensure appropriate quality of wastewater (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.2 Wastewater 4.2.1 Waste water treatment (Immediate/Major/Basic): If your company uses wet processing (e. g., desizing, bleaching, mercerizing, dyeing, printing, and other specific treatments where waste water occurs) you treat the waste water to prevent ground water pollution and for pollution control according to national legislation. Wastewater analyses are performed and documented periodically at normal operating capacity.


        Textile: 4.2.1 Waste water treatment

      • Does the standard include criteria on wastewater volumes (per unit of production)?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:


      • Does the standard include threshold values on basic wastewater parameters?
        Answer: Basic: The scheme refers to national legislation.
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic: The scheme refers to national legislation. (1 point)
        • Advanced: The schemes requires threshold values on basic wastewater parametersfor different production steps. (1 point)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.2 Wastewater 4.2.1 Waste water treatment (Immediate/Major/Basic): If your company uses wet processing (e. g., desizing, bleaching, mercerizing, dyeing, printing, and other specific treatments where waste water occurs) you treat the waste water to prevent ground water pollution and for pollution control according to national legislation. Wastewater analyses are performed and documented periodically at normal operating capacity.


        Textile: 4.2.1 Waste water treatment

      • Does the standard include threshold values on advanced wastewater parameters?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
  • Inputs
    • Fibres
      • Does the standard include criteria on the production of natural fibres?
        Answer: Advanced: At least 51% of fibres is organic or organic in conversion (non-organic natural fibres have to be tested for agrochemical residues).
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Fibres are randomly tested for agrochemical residues AND hazardous pesticides as described in the guidance are prohibited. (1 point)
        • Advanced: At least 51% of fibres is organic or organic in conversion (non-organic natural fibres have to be tested for agrochemical residues). (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 5.2 Product Composition and Sourcing 5.2.2 Blended products containing Fairtrade cotton and other non-cotton fibres (Immediate/Major/Advanced): Blended products with Fairtrade cotton are made up of at least 50% Fairtrade cotton, and blended with fibres other than cotton. The cotton in the product is sourced solely from Fairtrade certified producer organizations. For workwear and uniforms Fairtrade cotton constitutes at least 30% of the finished product.


        Textile: 5.2.2 Blended products containing Fairtrade cotton and other non-cotton fibres

      • Does the standard include specific criteria for different types of synthetic fibres (including man-made cellulose fibres)?
        Answer: Advanced: Standard formulates specific criteria for sustainable production of synthetic fibres OR addresses sustainable sourcing of synthetic fibres.
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Not applicable (for schemes containing less than 10% of synthetic fibres) (0 points)
        • Advanced: Standard formulates specific criteria for sustainable production of synthetic fibres OR addresses sustainable sourcing of synthetic fibres. (1 point)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 5.2 Product Composition and Sourcing 5.2.2 Blended products containing Fairtrade cotton and other non-cotton fibres (Immediate/Major/Advanced): Blended products with Fairtrade cotton are made up of at least 50% Fairtrade cotton, and blended with fibres other than cotton. The cotton in the product is sourced solely from Fairtrade certified producer organizations. For workwear and uniforms Fairtrade cotton constitutes at least 30% of the finished product.


        Textile:5.2.2 Blended products containing Fairtrade cotton and other non-cotton fibres

      • Does the standard include criteria on the usage of recycled material?
        Answer: Advanced: Use of recycled material in product
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Use of recycled material in packaging (1 point)
        • Advanced: Use of recycled material in product (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        5.2.3 Products with responsible fibres (other than Fairtrade cotton) Non-Fairtrade responsible fibre products may be sold under Fairtrade terms as long as the fibre and scheme behind it are included on the Fairtrade responsible fibre list and processed in a fully Fairtrade certified supply chain from ginning stage onward. The responsible fibre content rules from the approved responsible fibre scheme apply in this category. Scheme and company: Textile Exchange Scheme/company information: Textile Exchange is a global non-profit that works closely with their members to drive industry transformation in preferred fibres, integrity and standards and responsible supply networks. They identify and share best practices regarding farming, materials, processing, traceability and product end-of-life in order to reduce the textile industry’s impact on the world’s water, soil and air, and the human population. Global Recycled Standard V4.0 Fibres: GRS certified. Recycled Polyester. https://textileexchange.org/


        Approved fibres and schemes for use under the Fairtrade Textile Standard 5.2.3 Products with responsible fibres (other than Fairtrade cotton)

      • Does the standard include criteria on the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?
        Answer: Advanced: Prohibit use
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Allow use with adequate controls to prohibit contamination (1 point)
        • Advanced: Prohibit use (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Annex 2 Responsible Fibre Criteria - Environmental criteria The scheme includes criteria related to the production practices of the fibre that guarantee improved management of water and other natural resources, a minimised harmful impact, protection and enhancement of biodiversity, and that avoids the use of genetically modified crops.


        Annex 2 Responsible Fibre Criteria - Environmental criteria

  • Quality
    • Quality and Suitability
      • Does the standard cover criteria on the quality of textiles?
        Answer: Basic: Less than four aspects are tested textile
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Less than four aspects are tested textile (1 point)
        • Advanced: All four aspects (fastness of rubbing/ perspiration/ light/ washing) are tested (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 5.4 Purchasing seed cotton 5.3.2 Purchase contracts between suppliers and buyers (Immediate/Major/Basic): You sign binding purchase contracts with your suppliers and buyers when applicable, or their agents on their behalf, to ensure responsible purchasing practices. Contracts follow industry regulations, and at a minimum clearly indicate: • agreed volumes; • quality; • prices that allow for paying living wages within parameters of this Standard (see 3.5.2); • payment terms that are transparent and traceable; • feasible lead times; • procedures in case of quality problems; • terms of delivery using international commercial terms (Incoterms); • definition or mentioning of “Force Majeure”; • agreement on applicable jurisdiction; and • a dispute resolution mechanism to resolve conflicts.


        Textile: 5.3.2 Purchase contracts between suppliers and buyers

  • Energy & Climate
    • Climate Change Mitigation
      • Does the standard include criteria on energy consumption in the production phase?
        Answer: Advanced: Reduce consumption, increase efficiency OR increase use of renewables
        Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Monitor energy consumption over time (1 point)
        • Advanced: Reduce consumption, increase efficiency OR increase use of renewables (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.4 Energy Consumption 4.4.1 Energy consumption (Within 5 years/ Minor/Advanced): Your company measures energy consumption and develops a plan for reduction and recovery. Progress should be documented on indicators set by cross unit teams in the factory. You have a system to measure achievements in place.


        Textile: 4.4.1 Energy consumption

  • Waste & Air Pollution
    • Waste Management
      • Does the standard include criteria on volumes of waste?
        Answer: Advanced: Reduction of volumes of waste
        Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic (0 points)
        • Advanced: Reduction of volumes of waste (1 point)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.5 Waste 4.5.3 Waste management plan (Within 1 year/ Major): Your company has a waste management plan that includes strategies in waste reduction, recycling, reuse and disposal alternatives. This plan establishes timelines by when the company will identify the main wastes, ways to reduce and reuse them if applicable, and to dispose of them in the best available way.


        Textile: 4.5.3 Waste management plan

      • Does the standard include criteria on toxicity of waste?
        Answer: Advanced: Reduce and/or treat toxic waste
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic (0 points)
        • Advanced: Reduce and/or treat toxic waste (1 point)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.5 Waste 4.5.3 Waste management plan (Within 1 year/ Major/Advanced): Your company has a waste management plan that includes strategies in waste reduction, recycling, reuse and disposal alternatives. This plan establishes timelines by when the company will identify the main wastes, ways to reduce and reuse them if applicable, and to dispose of them in the best available way. 4.5.4 Hazardous waste (Immediate/Major/Advanced): If your company generates hazardous waste or waste classified as special waste, you follow national and local legislation to avoid any pollution of ground water and air. Your company keeps the production site free of hazardous waste. Designated areas for the storage and disposal of hazardous waste exist and are used regularly. Risk of pollution from areas for storage and disposal of hazardous waste is minimized or eliminated.


        Textile: 4.5.3 Waste management plan Textile: 4.5.4 Hazardous waste

      • Does the standard include criteria on reusing or recycling waste on-site?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.5 Waste 4.5.3 Waste management plan (Within 1 year/ Major): Your company has a waste management plan that includes strategies in waste reduction, recycling, reuse and disposal alternatives. This plan establishes timelines by when the company will identify the main wastes, ways to reduce and reuse them if applicable, and to dispose of them in the best available way.


        Textile: 4.5.3 Waste management plan

      • Does the standard include criteria on waste management in the production phase?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.5 Waste 4.5.3 Waste management plan (Within 1 year/ Major): Your company has a waste management plan that includes strategies in waste reduction, recycling, reuse and disposal alternatives. This plan establishes timelines by when the company will identify the main wastes, ways to reduce and reuse them if applicable, and to dispose of them in the best available way.


        Textile: 4.5.3 Waste management plan

      • Does the standard include criteria on waste segregation?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.5 Waste 4.5.1 Waste collection and separation (Immediate/Major): Your company collects and separates waste according to local requirements. Waste must be properly disposed in municipal garbage collection systems where available.


        Textile: 4.5.1 Waste collection and separation

      • Does the standard include criteria on safe disposal of hazardous waste?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.5 Waste 4.5.2 Cleaning, storing and disposal of hazardous waste (Immediate/Major/Advanced): Your company does not reuse empty hazardous chemical containers for water or food storage. Empty containers are triple rinsed and the rinse water is used in the mix of pesticides to be applied. Once triple rinsed, empty containers are punctured and stored while awaiting disposal. All waste equipment that has been in contact with pesticides or hazardous chemicals is cleaned and stored in a proper way. 4.5.4 Hazardous waste (Immediate/Major/Advanced): If your company generates hazardous waste or waste classified as special waste, you follow national and local legislation to avoid any pollution of ground water and air. Your company keeps the production site free of hazardous waste. Designated areas for the storage and disposal of hazardous waste exist and are used regularly. Risk of pollution from areas for storage and disposal of hazardous waste is minimized or eliminated.


        Textile: 4.5.2 Cleaning, storing and disposal of hazardous waste Textile: 4.5.4 Hazardous waste

      • Does the standard include criteria on uncontrolled on-site waste burning?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic (0 points)
        • Advanced: Prohibit waste burning (1 point)
      • Does the standard include criteria on uncontrolled waste landfilling?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic (0 points)
        • Advanced: Prohibit waste landfilling (1 point)
      • Does the standard include criteria on handling or disposal of waste by third parties?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic (0 points)
        • Advanced: Keep records on third party contractors (1 point)
    • Air pollution (excl. GHG) & Immission
      • Does the standard include criteria on air pollution?
        Answer: Basic: Monitor emissions over time (for textiles at least in textile finishing)
        Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
        Score: 1/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Monitor emissions over time (for textiles at least in textile finishing) (1 point)
        • Advanced: End-of-pipe technology (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.3 Emissions to air 4.3.1 Emission control techniques (Within 1 year/ Major/Basic): Your company applies appropriate emissions control techniques for any of your company’s manufacturing operations that generate air pollutants. Control techniques include: ventilation, absorption, physical and chemical scrubbing, closed-loop-systems for recovery of solvents, noise/odour and vibration reduction equipment. Significant sources of air pollutants are: - coating and dyeing operations; - printing; - drying (fabrics, yarns and prints); - fibre processing generating dust (bale breakers, automatic feeders, separators and openers, mechanical conveyors, pickers, cards) and spinning; - combustion sources for power generation and process heating; - weaving.


        Textile: 4.3.1 Emission control techniques

      • For which production phase does the standard include criteria on air pollution?
        Answer: Advanced: Restrictions on air pollution for some of the production steps
        Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic (0 points)
        • Advanced: Restrictions on air pollution for some of the production steps (1 point)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.3 Emissions to air 4.3.1 Emission control techniques (Within 1 year/ Major): Your company applies appropriate emissions control techniques for any of your company’s manufacturing operations that generate air pollutants. Control techniques include: ventilation, absorption, physical and chemical scrubbing, closed-loop-systems for recovery of solvents, noise/odour and vibration reduction equipment. Significant sources of air pollutants are: - coating and dyeing operations; - printing; - drying (fabrics, yarns and prints); - fibre processing generating dust (bale breakers, automatic feeders, separators and openers, mechanical conveyors, pickers, cards) and spinning; - combustion sources for power generation and process heating; - weaving. 4.3.2 Measuring reduction of emissions (Within 3 years/ Minor): Your company measures the reduction of hazardous and non-hazardous emissions that have been achieved through control techniques in requirement 4.3.1.


        Textile: 4.3.1 Emission control techniques Textile: 4.3.2 Measuring reduction of emissions

  • Environmental Management
    • Environmental Management
      • Does the standard include a general criterion on compliance with all relevant local, regional and national environmental laws and regulations?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        References Fairtrade International requires that companies always abide by national legislation on the topics covered by this standard whenever the legislation sets higher requirements than this standard. The same applies to regional and sector-specific practices.



      • Does the standard include criteria to ensure that relevant and up-to-date permits are held (such as water use rights or land use titles)?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not Applicable (0 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 4.2 Wastewater 4.2.1 Waste water treatment (Immediate/Major): If your company uses wet processing (e. g., desizing, bleaching, mercerizing, dyeing, printing, and other specific treatments where waste water occurs) you treat the waste water to prevent ground water pollution and for pollution control according to national legislation. Wastewater analyses are performed and documented periodically at normal operating capacity.


        Textile: 4.2.1 Waste water treatment

      • Does the standard include criteria on mitigating negative environmental impacts prior to production/operation?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:


      • Does the standard include criteria on assessing the environmental risks and impacts of production/operations prior to any significant intensification or expansion of business operations/cultivation and infrastructure?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:


      • Does the standard include criteria on stakeholder engagement to achieve environmental targets?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers

So­cio-E­co­nom­ic 76%

  • Freedom of Association (ILO 87)
  • Collective Bargaining (ILO 98)
  • Labour Contracts
  • Workers Representation where Restricted by Law
  • Prohibition of Forced Labor (ILO 29)
  • Debt bondage
  • Withholding Papers
  • Freedom of Movement
  • Minimum Age (ILO 138)
  • Age Verification
  • Prohibition of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (ILO 182)
  • Equal Remuneration (ILO 100)
  • Maternity Leave
  • Non-Discrimination (ILO 111)
  • Business Legality
  • Legal Minimum Wage
  • Working Hours
  • Sub-Contractors
  • Harassment and abuse
  • Workplace Conditions
  • Potable water
  • Improved Sanitation Facilities
  • Building and Construction Safety
  • Fire Preparedness
  • Emergency and Evacuation Safety
  • ILO 155
  • Company Responsibility
    • Does the standard require the implementation of measures that aim at generating equal economic opportunities for women and men?
      Answer: Yes
      Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers

      Excerpt from standard:

      2.1.5 Women focussed training and capacity building (Within 1 year/ Major): Your company provides training, capacity building, guidance, encouragement and assistance to and for women employees in order to ensure their professional development. 2.1.7 Crèche facilities (Within 3 years/ Minor): Your company provides adequate crèche facilities for your workers’ children up to 6 years of age either on or off your premises where needed.


      Textile: 2.1.5 Women focussed training and capacity building Textile: 2.1.7 Crèche facilities

    • Does the standard include criteria on assessing the impacts of operations on human rights?
      Answer: No Information available
      Degree of Obligation: Not covered
      Score: 0/2
      Possible answers
      • Basic: Human Rights Impact Assessment OR Social Impact Assessment (1 point)
      • Advanced: Human Rights Impact Assessment AND Social Impact Assessment (2 points)
  • Labour Rights and Working Conditions
    • ILO Core Conventions
      • Does the standard include criteria on freedom of association and the right to organize as described in ILO 87?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        3.4 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 3.4.4 Freedom of Association protocol (Within 1 year/ Major): Your company actively accepts and promotes the conditions in requirement 3.4.3 and 3.4.4 by signing the Freedom of Association protocol provided by Fairtrade International in Annex 3 to this standard. In case the ownership or senior management of a company changes, the FoA protocol is signed by the new owners/management within 3 months of de facto change.


        Textile: 3.4.4 Freedom of Association protocol

      • Does the standard include criteria on the right to collective bargaining, as laid down by ILO 98?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 3.4 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 3.4.2 Guaranteeing workers’ labour rights (Immediate/Deal-breaker): All workers have the right to join or form trade unions and to bargain collectively. Your company • respects the right of all workers to form or join trade unions; • respects the right of workers to bargain collectively in practice; • accepts that it has a duty to bargain in good faith with unions Workers take the initiative to organize themselves and are allowed to do so independently of management. Management does not interfere in the process, nor directly or indirectly conduct elections related to the formation, recognition or governance of this organization. Your company must not have opposed any of these rights in the last 2 years prior to application for certification. 3.4.10 Sectoral collective bargaining agreement (CBA) (Within 1 year/ Major): In countries where a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is agreed for the textile sector, your company signs and adheres to this agreement. Collective bargaining at the company level may take place even if a sector-wide collective agreement exists, however company level agreements does not provide lesser terms and conditions than the sector-wide agreement. 3.4.11 Negotiations in the absence of a Collective Bargaining Agreement (Immediate/Major): If there is no sectoral or company CBA in place, your company proactively engages in a process to enter into a collective agreement with elected worker representatives. Your company must not refuse any genuine opportunity to bargain collectively with workers. Negotiations must take place with a recognized trade union, or with elected worker representatives in the absence of a trade union, but only where such elected worker representatives are provided for by law and are legally authorized to bargain (see 3.4.1). In cases where workers have freely and specifically decided to not form or join a trade union and are not otherwise legally authorized to collectively bargain, then the collective bargaining requirement is waived. In these situations, the certification body will determine whether there was any intimidation or coercion involved in this decision. The decision cannot be the result of any vote in which management was in any way involved.


        Textile: 3.4.2 Guaranteeing workers’ labour rights Textile: 3.4.10 Sectoral collective bargaining agreement (CBA) Textile: 3.4.11 Negotiations in the absence of a Collective Bargaining Agreement

      • Does the standard prohibit forced and compulsory labour as defined in ILO 29 and ILO 105?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 3.3 Child Labour and Child Protection 3.2.1 No forced labour (Immediate/Deal-breaker): Your company does not directly or indirectly engage in, support or tolerate forced labour, including bonded or involuntary prison labour. You must explain this to all workers.


        Textile: 3.2.1 No forced labour

      • Does the standard include criteria on the prohibition of child labour as defined under ILO 138?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 3.3 Child Labour and Child Protection 3.3.1 No children under 15 employed (Immediate/Deal-breaker): Your company does not directly or indirectly (through sub-contracting) employ children under the age of 15 or under the age defined by local law, whichever is higher. 3.3.2 No dangerous or exploitative work for children under 18 (Immediate/Major): Your company does not submit workers directly or indirectly (though subcontracting) less than 18 years of age to any type of work which puts their health, safety or morals, or their school attendance at risk. Under no circumstances shall any young worker’s school, work and transportation time exceed a combined total of 10 hours per day.


        Textile: 3.3.1 No children under 15 employed Textile: 3.3.2 No dangerous or exploitative work for children under 18

      • Does the standard cover requirements on the prevention of worst forms of child labour as defined under ILO 182?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 3.3 Child Labour and Child Protection Intent and Scope: This section intends to prevent labour that is damaging to children based on ILO Convention C182 (Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention) and on ILO Convention C138 (Minimum Age Convention). R146 (Minimum Age Recommendation), R190 (Worst Forms Labour Recommendation). 3.3.2 No dangerous or exploitative work for children under 18 (Immediate/Major): Your company does not submit workers directly or indirectly (though subcontracting) less than 18 years of age to any type of work which puts their health, safety or morals, or their school attendance at risk. Under no circumstances shall any young worker’s school, work and transportation time exceed a combined total of 10 hours per day.


        Textile: 3.3 Child Labour and Child Protection Textile: 3.3.2 No dangerous or exploitative work for children under 18

      • Does the standard address the payment of equal wages as defined in ILO 100?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        3.5 Conditions of Employment: wages, benefits and working hours 3.5.5 Equal pay for equal work (Immediate/Major): Your company offers equal pay for equal work to all workers – permanent, temporary and migrant, without discrimination based on gender or otherwise. This includes equivalent benefits and employment conditions for equal work. 3.5.6 Social security (Immediate/Major): Your company provides legal social security, including contributions to a provident fund or pension scheme for all workers, whether permanent, migrant, temporary or seasonal.


        Textile: 3.5.5 Equal pay for equal work Textile: 3.5.6 Social security

      • Does the standard include criteria on the non-discrimination in the workplace, as defined in ILO 111?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 3.1 Freedom from Discrimination 3.1.1 No discrimination (Immediate/Deal-breaker): Your company does not discriminate, support or tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth, disease, age, religion, political opinion, membership in trade union or workers’ representative bodies, national extraction or social origin, or any other condition in recruitment, promotion, access to training, remuneration, allocation of work, termination of employment, retirement, general treatment in the workplace, or other activities.


        Textile: 3.1.1 No discrimination

      • Does the standard include criteria on occupational health and safety, as defined in ILO 155?
        Answer: Advanced: Full compliance with ILO 155
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Partial compliance with ILO 155 (1 point)
        • Advanced: Full compliance with ILO 155 (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety Intent: This section intends to promote a safe working environment and to prevent work-related accidents by minimizing hazards in the work place. It is based on ILO Conventions C155 (Occupational Safety and Health Convention) and ILO Recommendation R164 (Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation). This section also intends that the health and welfare of workers is ensured based on ILO C077 and C078 (Medical Examination of Young Persons (Industry and Non-Industrial Occupations) Conventions), C183 (Maternity Protection Convention) and R102 (Welfare Facilities Recommendation).


        Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety

    • Labour Rights
      • Other Labour Rights
        • Does the standard include criteria on the formation of workers representations where freedom of association is restricted by law?
          Answer: Basic: Allow
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/2
          Possible answers
          • Basic: Allow (1 point)
          • Advanced: Promote (2 points)

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textiles: 3.4.1 Trade union or independent workers’ organization on site (Inmediate / Major) There is some form of democratically elected and independent trade union or workers’ organization established to represent workers in the company and negotiate with management. Your company respects the self-organization of workers by engaging with representatives of these organizations through regular constructive and supportive dialogue recognizing the imbalance of power whilst workers are strengthening their union and building their capacity to negotiate. Fairtrade Textile Standard is applicable in only countries where Freedom of Association is possible as determined by the geographic scope policy


          Textiles: 3.4.1 Trade union or independent workers’ organization on site

        • Does the standard include criteria on worker grievance mechanisms?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 1.4 Management systems 1.4.4 Grievance procedure (Immediate/ Major): Your company has a grievance procedure in place, which: - allows workers and third parties to file complaints directly and anonymously; - protects workers who file complaints from retaliation; - ensures issues are resolved, remediation is implemented in a timely manner, and complainants updated about the ongoing resolution - ensures that complaints received are forwarded to the certifying body in order to publish details about the status and resolution online; - entitles workers to representation by their trade union or other council of their choosing; - allows for an appeals process by the complainant; - includes documentation of all disputes; - includes a procedure for cases of sexual harassment. Your company must ensure that workers are fully aware and understand the procedure and are aware that they have the right to be heard and the right to appeal to an independent party (see 1.4.5). The procedure is implemented, communicated and introduced to workers adequately, in a way that they have easy access, full confidence (anonymity) and no psychological hurdles (self-consciousness) the use of this instrument. Your company does not discipline, dismiss or discriminate in any way against workers for using any grievance procedure. Grievances regarding sexual harassment are designated to specially appointed women or women’s committees, linked to a female senior manager when possible, and with direct access to the Chief Executive. The same principles apply in case of sexual harassment of groups other than women. This grievance procedure must be in accordance with national legislation where applicable.


          Textile: 1.4.4 Grievance procedure

        • Does the standard include requirements on setting up policies or procedures to manage basic labour rights in the workplace?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 1.4 Management systems1.4.1 Performance monitoring procedures (Within 1 year/ Major): Your company has internal auditing policies and procedures in place designed to monitor compliance and assess the company’s performance with the requirements in this standard. The responsibilities and role of the management and Compliance Committee representatives are defined in your internal auditing procedures. Your company makes these policies and procedures publicly available.


          Textile: 1.4.1 Performance monitoring procedures

        • Does the standard include requirements to inform workers about their labour rights?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile:2.1 Capacity Building of Workers 2.1.1 Workers awareness about labour rights (Within 1 year/ Major): Your company ensures that all workers know their labour rights and duties.


          Textile: 2.1.1 Workers awareness about labour rights

      • Child Labour
        • Does the standard require verification and documentation of age of (young) workers?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.3 Child Labour and Child Protection 3.3.8 Procedures to prevent child labour (Within 1 year/ Major): If there is a risk of child labour in any part of your production, you must implement relevant procedures to prevent children below the age of 15 from being employed for any work and children below the age of 18 from being employed in dangerous and exploitative work.


          Textile: 3.3.8 Procedures to prevent child labour

        • Does the standard require that assistance be provided to replaced child workers?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.3 Child Labour and Child Protection 3.3.7 Child Labour remediation policy (Immediate/Major): If the certification body detects that, in the past, your company or subcontracted operators employed children under 15 years for any type of work, or children under 18 years were engaged in dangerous and exploitative work, your company must ensure that those children neither enter nor are at risk of entering into even worse forms of labour, including hazardous work, slave-like practices, recruitment into armed conflict, sex work, trafficking for labour purposes, and/or illicit activities. Your company develops a rights-based remediation policy and programme within a UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) protective framework that covers how to withdraw the children and how to prevent that they enter into worse forms of labour. This programme should include remediation projects to ensure the immediate and continued protection of children. These projects can include expert partner organizations, preferably locally based.


          Textile: 3.3.7 Child Labour remediation policy

        • Does the standard include criteria on special treatment of young workers?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.3 Child Labour and Child Protection 3.3.2 No dangerous or exploitative work for children under 18 (Immediate/Major): Your company does not submit workers directly or indirectly (though subcontracting) less than 18 years of age to any type of work which puts their health, safety or morals, or their school attendance at risk. Under no circumstances shall any young worker’s school, work and transportation time exceed a combined total of 10 hours per day. 3.3.3 Youth employment and apprentice programmes (Within 3 years/ Minor): Your company encourages decent youth employment and offers apprentice/trainee programmes for young workers where possible. The length of the programme, wages and terms are in accordance with national legislation where applicable, or otherwise agreed between management and youth worker representatives. The worker is free to leave the programmes at any time.


          Textile: 3.3.2 No dangerous or exploitative work for children under 18 Textile: 3.3.3 Youth employment and apprentice programmes

      • Wages and Benefits
        • Does the standard require paying wages sufficient to meet basic needs of the worker and his or her family (living wage)?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.5.2 Wage increases to reach living wages (Immediate/Major): If remuneration (wages and benefits) is below living wage benchmarks approved by Fairtrade International, your company must agree with trade union/workers’ representatives to a time bound plan of maximum six years from certification to increase real wages to close the gap to living wages. Once a living wage is reached, wage increases are expected to continue to keep up with inflation. 3.5.3 Living wages paid (Within 5 years/ Major): Your company pays at least a living wage to all workers.


          Textile: 3.5.2 Wage increases to reach living wages Textile: 3.5.3 Living wages paid

        • Does the standard require paying legal minimum wages?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.5 Conditions of Employment: wages, benefits and working hours 3.5.1 Wages and conditions of employment (Immediate/Major): Your company must set wages for workers and other conditions of employment according to legal or sectoral CBA regulations where they apply, or at regional average wages or at official minimum wages for similar occupations; whichever is the highest, with the intention of continually increasing salaries (see 3.5.2).


          Textile: 3.5.1 Wages and conditions of employment

        • Does the standard require the provision of social benefits?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.5 Conditions of Employment: wages, benefits and working hours 3.5.6 Social security (Immediate/Major): Your company provides legal social security, including contributions to a provident fund or pension scheme for all workers, whether permanent, migrant, temporary or seasonal.


          Textile: 3.5.6 Social security

        • Does the standard require compensating overtime?
          Answer: Advanced: Yes and overtime is paid at a rate of at least 125% of the regular income
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 2/2
          Possible answers
          • Basic: Yes (1 point)
          • Advanced: Yes and overtime is paid at a rate of at least 125% of the regular income (2 points)

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.5 Conditions of Employment: wages, benefits and working hours 3.5.12 Overtime not required (Immediate/Major): Your company does not require its workers to work overtime. Overtime is allowable in exceptional circumstances if it is voluntary and not used on a regular basis and does not extend over a period of more than 3 consecutive months. It does not exceed 12 hours per week, or 3 months per year. 3.5.15 Overtime compensation (Immediate/Major/Advanced): Your company must compensate overtime in all cases at a premium rate and inform workers of these rates. The premium rate must be paid at a factor (ratio) of 1.5 for work performed on regular workdays, and for work performed on the day of rest, public holidays and night work a premium at a factor of 2 must be paid unless otherwise defined by national legislation, by CBA or by agreements with unions. If overtime is compensated by the allocation of time off work, your company must apply the premium factor.


          Textile: 3.5.12 Overtime not required Textile: 3.5.15 Overtime compensation

        • Does the standard require paid leave?
          Answer: Advanced: Two out of three (casual / sick / annual leave)
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Basic: One out of three (casual / sick / annual leave) (0 points)
          • Advanced: Two out of three (casual / sick / annual leave) (1 point)

          Excerpt from standard:

          3.5 Conditions of Employment: wages, benefits and working hours 3.5.17 Paid leave (Immediate/Major): Your company must follow national legislation regarding regular paid leave. 3.5.18 Increased paid leave (Within 3 years/ Minor): Your company must grant all workers at least 2 weeks of paid leave per year at minimum, not including sick and casual leave. Periods of annual leave must be in line with national legislation and/or with agreements detailed in a specific or industry sector CBA, if either of these exceeds 2 weeks. 3.5.19 Sick leave (Immediate/Major): Your company must follow national legislation regarding regular temporary (paid) sick leave. 3.5.20 Increased sick leave (Within 3 years/ Minor): Your company has a regulation granting at least 5 days regular (paid) sick leave. The regulation must ensure that workers are protected from being dismissed during temporary sick leave. It must guarantee worker income during sick leave and it must not deduct this leave from annual leave.


          Textile: 3.5.17 Paid leave 3.5.18 Increased paid leave 3.5.19 Sick leave 3.5.20 Increased sick leave

        • Does the standard require wages being paid in a timely, regular and convenient manner understood by all employees?
          Answer: Basic: Yes, some measures are in place
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/2
          Possible answers
          • Basic: Yes, some measures are in place (1 point)
          • Advanced: Yes, all measures are in place (2 points)

          Excerpt from standard:

          3.5 Conditions of Employment: wages, benefits and working hours 3.5.9 Wages paid regularly (Immediate/Major/Basic): Your company makes payments to workers at regularly scheduled intervals in a convenient way for workers, and must document the payments with a clear and understandable payslip containing all necessary information. Workers must sign for payments received in cash.


          Textile: 3.5.9 Wages paid regularly

      • Gender
        • Does the standard include criteria on having policies and/ or processes in place that prevent discrimination of women and men in the workplace?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.1 Freedom from Discrimination 3.1.1 No discrimination (Immediate/Deal-breaker): Your company does not discriminate, support or tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth, disease, age, religion, political opinion, membership in trade union or workers’ representative bodies, national extraction or social origin, or any other condition in recruitment, promotion, access to training, remuneration, allocation of work, termination of employment, retirement, general treatment in the workplace, or other activities.


          Textile: 3.1.1 No discrimination

        • Does the standard include criteria on the right to maternity leave (as defined in ILO 183)?
          Answer: Basic: Partial compliance
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/2
          Possible answers
          • Basic: Partial compliance (1 point)
          • Advanced: Full compliance (2 points)

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.5.24 Maternity leave (Immediate/Major/Basic): Your company must grant its female workers at least eight weeks of maternity leave with compensation consistent with national laws or not less than 2/3 regular pay, whichever is higher, not including annual leave and not incurring any loss or privilege on account of such leave. 3.5.25 Increased maternity leave (Within 3 years/ Minor/Basic): If maternity leave is less than 12 weeks, your company must increase it by one week each year until 12 weeks is reached, with compensation consistent with requirement 3.5.20. National legislation must be complied with if it exceeds this requirement.


          Textile: 3.5.24 Maternity leave Textile: 3.5.25 Increased maternity leave

      • Voluntary Labour
        • Does the scheme require that workers are not held in debt bondage or forced to work for an employer to pay off debt?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.2 Freedom from Forced and Compulsory Labour 3.2.1 No forced labour (Immediate/Deal-breaker): Your company does not directly or indirectly engage in, support or tolerate forced labour, including bonded or involuntary prison labour. You must explain this to all workers.


          Textile: 3.2.1 No forced labour

        • Does the standard prohibit the withholding of workers' documents?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.2 Freedom from Forced and Compulsory Labour 3.2.2 No retention of workers’ salary or property (Immediate/Deal-breaker): Your company does not retain any part of the workers’ salary, benefits, property or documents (e.g., passports) nor require a financial deposit in order to force them to remain in your employment.


          Textile: 3.2.2 No retention of workers’ salary or property

        • Does the standard include criteria on the freedom of movement of employees?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.2.1 No forced labour. (Inmediate / Major) Your company does not directly or indirectly engage in, support or tolerate forced labour, including bonded or involuntary prison labour. You must explain this to all workers. Textile: 3.6.28 Toilets, washing facilities & changing rooms. Your company provides clean toilets with hand washing facilities close by, changing rooms for all workers, and clean showers for workers who handle hazardous chemicals. Lockable storage facilities are provided where requested. (Guidance: You ensure that workers can freely access these facilities at any time.)


          Textile: 3.2.1 No forced labour Textile 3.6.28 Toilets, washing facilities & changing rooms (Guidance)

      • Non-Discrimination
        • Does the standard include criteria on the non-discrimination of persons with disabilities?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 2.1 Capacity Building of Workers 2.1.6 Achieving equity (Within 3 years/ Minor): Your company undertakes activities to achieve equity in the workplace. This includes specifically addressing the employment and promotion of suitably qualified people from disadvantaged and minority groups.


          Textile: 2.1.6 Achieving equity

      • Working Hours
        • Does the standard include criteria on working hours, rest days or overtime?
          Answer: Advanced: Standard requirements comply with ILO 1 requirements
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 2/2
          Possible answers
          • Basic: Requirement to include criteria on working hours, rest days or overtime / voluntary extra work at least according to national law or industry specific minimum standards (1 point)
          • Advanced: Standard requirements comply with ILO 1 requirements (2 points)

          Excerpt from standard:

          3.5 Conditions of Employment: wages, benefits and working hours 3.5.11 Working hours (Immediate/Major/Basic): Your company must comply with applicable national and local legislation and industry standards, and follow CBA agreements regarding working hours and overtime regulations. Your company must not require workers to work in excess of 8 hours per day and 48 hours per week on a regular basis.


          Textile: 3.5.11 Working hours

      • Scope of Labour Rights
        • Do worker's rights and benefits set out by the standard apply to all forms of work?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.5 Conditions of Employment: wages, benefits and working hours 3.5.5 Equal pay for equal work (Immediate/Major): Your company offers equal pay for equal work to all workers – permanent, temporary and migrant, without discrimination based on gender or otherwise. This includes equivalent benefits and employment conditions for equal work. 3.5.6 Social security (Immediate/Major): Your company provides legal social security, including contributions to a provident fund or pension scheme for all workers, whether permanent, migrant, temporary or seasonal.


          Textile: 3.5.5 Equal pay for equal work Textile: 3.5.6 Social security

        • Do the standard's rights and benefits for workers also apply to sub-contracted labour?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 1.4 Management systems 1.4.2 Ensuring subcontractor compliance (Within 1 year/ Major): Your company has procedures in place that enables you to evaluate your suppliers in order to have full insight and assess risks in the working conditions in your supply chain. The procedures ensure that current and new suppliers and subcontractors comply with requirement 1.4.4 (grievance procedure), and the Labour Conditions and Environmental Responsibility requirements, chapters 3 and 4 in this Standard. 3.5 Conditions of Employment: wages, benefits and working hours 3.5.5 Equal pay for equal work (Immediate/Major): Your company offers equal pay for equal work to all workers – permanent, temporary and migrant, without discrimination based on gender or otherwise. This includes equivalent benefits and employment conditions for equal work. 3.5.6 Social security (Immediate/Major): Your company provides legal social security, including contributions to a provident fund or pension scheme for all workers, whether permanent, migrant, temporary or seasonal.


          Textile: 1.4.2 Ensuring subcontractor compliance Textile: 3.5.5 Equal pay for equal work Textile: 3.5.6 Social security

        • Does the standard include criteria on the establishment of labour contracts compliant with national legal requirements?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.5 Conditions of Employment: wages, benefits and working hours 3.5.31 Employment contracts (Immediate/Major): Your company has a legally binding written contract of employment for all workers, including permanent, temporary, seasonal and migrant, signed by worker and employer that includes at least the following: - job description; - working hours; - pay rate; - overtime regulation; - social benefits; - entitlements and deductions; - annual paid leave, sick leave, protection of the worker from loss of pay in the case of illness, disability, accident, or loss of life; - and a notice period for termination that is the same as the notice period for the employer. 3.5.32 Workers have a copy of employment contract and understand content (Immediate/Major): Your company must ensure that workers have a signed copy of their employment contract and that they understand the content by providing it in a format and language they understand. Your company must ensure that all workers are aware of their rights and duties, responsibilities, salaries, and work schedules as part of the legal labour contract.


          Textile: 3.5.31 Employment contracts Textile: 3.5.32 Workers have a copy of employment contract and understand content

        • Does the standard include criteria on contracts provided to workers in a language understandable to them?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.5.32 Workers have a copy of employment contract and understand content (Immediate/Major): Your company must ensure that workers have a signed copy of their employment contract and that they understand the content by providing it in a format and language they understand. Your company must ensure that all workers are aware of their rights and duties, responsibilities, salaries, and work schedules as part of the legal labour contract.


          Textile: 3.5.32 Workers have a copy of employment contract and understand content

        • Does the standard require compliance with (at least) all ILO Core Conventions for different suppliers along the supply chain?
          Answer: Advanced: All tier 1 suppliers
          Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
          Score: 2/2
          Possible answers
          • Basic: Main tier 1 suppliers (1 point)
          • Advanced: All tier 1 suppliers (2 points)

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 1.4 Management systems 1.4.2 Ensuring subcontractor compliance (Within 1 year/ Major/Advanced): Your company has procedures in place that enables you to evaluate your suppliers in order to have full insight and assess risks in the working conditions in your supply chain. The procedures ensure that current and new suppliers and subcontractors comply with requirement 1.4.4 (grievance procedure), and the Labour Conditions and Environmental Responsibility requirements, chapters 3 and 4 in this Standard. The minimum actions your company must undertake to fulfill this requirement include: - Effectively communicate the requirements of this standard to senior leadership of suppliers, commissioned operators and subcontracted sites; - Assess significant risks of non-conformance by these entities; - Make efforts to ensure that these significant risks are effectively addressed by these entities and your company; Your company records how these actions are fulfilled.


          Textile: 1.4.2 Ensuring subcontractor compliance

    • Health and Safety
      • Occupational Health and Safety
        • Does the standard prohibit harassment or abuse of workers?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.1 Freedom from Discrimination 3.1.2 No abuse of any kind (Immediate/Deal-breaker/Advanced): Your company does not directly or indirectly engage in, support or tolerate the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, bullying, abuse, or other harassment of any kind.


          Textile: 3.1.2 No abuse of any kind

        • Does the standard include requirements on workplace conditions?
          Answer: Advanced: All requirements on proper workplace environment
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 2/2
          Possible answers
          • Basic: At least four requirements on proper workplace environment (1 point)
          • Advanced: All requirements on proper workplace environment (2 points)

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety 3.6.15 Adequate lighting, heating, ventilation (Immediate/Major/Advanced): All workplaces must have adequate lighting, heating, and ventilation and control systems in place for noise, dust and vibration according to legal requirements.


          Textile: 3.6.15 Adequate lighting, heating, ventilation

        • Does the standard require policies and procedures to manage health and safety in the workplace?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety 3.6.1 Occupational Health & Safety (Immediate/Major): Your company makes work processes, workplaces, buildings, machinery and equipment on the production site as safe as possible, minimizing any inherent risks by appropriate measures and adequate control. To ensure safety: - Systems to detect, avoid, or respond to potential threats to the health and safety of workers are established; - Risk areas and potential hazards are clearly identified by warning signs in appropriate languages and include pictograms if possible; - Safety instructions and procedures including accident prevention and response are in place and communicated to staff; - All hazardous machinery and equipment is equipped with adequate safety devices; - Protective guards are placed over moving parts; - Safety equipment is provided to all workers who must be instructed and monitored in its proper use; - Equipment for chemical use is stored properly.


          Textile: 3.6.1 Occupational Health & Safety

        • Does the standard include criteria on the access to basic medical services for workers?
          Answer: Advanced: Work-related accidents plus preventative care
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 2/2
          Possible answers
          • Basic: Only treatment of acute work-related accidents/ illness (1 point)
          • Advanced: Work-related accidents plus preventative care (2 points)

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety 3.6.21 Free and regular occupational medical care (Within 3 years/ Minor/Advanced): Your company provides or enables access to free and regular occupational medical care and advice, offered at the workplace at fixed times during working hours, or at the local health centres/hospital. 3.6.22 Work-related illness or injury care (Immediate/Major/Basic): Your company provides appropriate care in case of work-related illness or injury by providing free onsite permanent medical support adequately equipped to deal with accidents or guaranteeing free transportation to the nearest hospital, and follow-up medical treatment.


          Textile: 3.6.21 Free and regular occupational medical care Textile: 3.6.22 Work-related illness or injury care

        • Does the standard require compensation payments/ covering of costs in case of work related accidents and injuries?
          Answer: Advanced: Full coverage of costs
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 2/2
          Possible answers
          • Basic: Partial coverage of costs (1 point)
          • Advanced: Full coverage of costs (2 points)

          Excerpt from standard:

          3.5 Conditions of Employment: wages, benefits and working hours 3.5.21 Leave for injury (Immediate/Major): Your company has a regulation granting at least 5 days paid leave caused by employment injury. The regulation must ensure that workers are protected from being dismissed during temporary leave. It must not deduct this leave from annual leave. 3.5.22 Disability compensation (Within 1 year/ Major/Advanced): Your company has a regulation on disability compensation that ensures that workers sustaining long-term disabilities caused by employment injury are fairly compensated. 3.5.23 Survivor benefits (Within 1 year/ Major): Your company has a regulation on survivor benefits which ensures that the dependent family members of workers who are killed in an employment-related accident are fairly compensated.


          Textile: 3.5.21 Leave for injury Textile: 3.5.22 Disability compensation Textile: 3.5.23 Survivor benefits

        • Does the standard require that workers have access to safe drinking water?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety 3.6.27 Clean drinking water (Immediate/Major/Basic): If safe drinking water is not ensured by local authorities, your company provides clean drinking water close to the working area of all workers and clearly labelled drinking water facilities as such in the rest or canteen area. The water quality is monitored by the company and H&S Compliance Committee representative.


          Textile: 3.6.27 Clean drinking water

        • Does the standard require access to clean and improved sanitation facilities?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety 3.6.28 Toilets, washing facilities & changing rooms (Immediate/Major/Advanced): Your company provides clean toilets with hand washing facilities close by, changing rooms for all workers, and clean showers for workers who handle hazardous chemicals. Lockable storage facilities are provided where requested. Toilets, changing rooms and showers are separate for women and men, and the number of toilets and hand washing facilities are in proportion to the number of workers (minimum proportion is 1:25). Your company also provides clean hand washing facilities close to the canteen. All facilities are cleaned regularly and equipped with covered drains and pipes.


          Textile: 3.6.28 Toilets, washing facilities & changing rooms

        • Does the standard require training of workers on health and safety issues?
          Answer: Advanced: Systematic
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Basic (0 points)
          • Advanced: Systematic (1 point)

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety 3.6.8 Training on occupational health and safety (Immediate/Major/Advanced):Your company ensures that all workers and their representatives are trained in the basic requirements of occupational health and safety, relevant health protection and first aid immediately before starting any new job. Regular refresher trainings take place at least once a year. The training includes making workers aware of their right to remove themselves from unsafe situations without being penalized for doing so. Records are kept of these training activities indicating information on topics, time, duration, names of attendees and trainers. 3.6.9 Trainings on Health & Safety for specific tasks (Immediate/Major/Advanced):Your company ensures that all workers and their representatives are trained in health and safety matters appropriately for their specific job and task. All chemical handlers are thoroughly instructed and trained at regular intervals by a recognised institution or by specialists in the safe application and the risks of chemicals. Safety instructions on the label of chemical products are followed. Workers that are engaged in any potentially hazardous work are trained according to the tasks they carry out at least once every year. Records of these training activities are kept indicating information on topics, time, duration, names of attendees and trainers. Training includes proper handling and storing of hazardous waste.


          Textile: 3.6.8 Training on occupational health and safety Textile: 3.6.9 Trainings on Health & Safety for specific tasks

        • Does the scheme require safe and appropriate housing for all workers?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.5 Conditions of Employment: wages, benefits and working hours 3.5.35 Worker housing (Immediate/Major): If your company provides accommodation (dormitories, housing) for workers, it must be such as to ensure structural safety and reasonable levels of decency, privacy, security and hygiene, and include regular upkeep and improvement to respond to the workers’ and their families’ basic needs. If sanitary facilities are shared, a reasonable number of toilets and bathing facilities with clean water, per number of users, and according to regional practice, must be available. Accommodation must be located in separate buildings from production areas, storages and warehouses. Accommodation must be optional for workers and if rent is charged it must not exceed local average, or exceed any benchmark set by local government, if available. National or state regulation must be complied with in all cases and regional norms should be considered. 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety 3.6.25 Rest areas and canteens (Immediate/Major): Your company provides suitable rest areas and canteens, with clean and maintained cooking and food storage facilities where necessary and if requested by workers.


          Textile: 3.5.35 Worker housing Textile: 3.6.25 Rest areas and canteens

      • Building and Fire Safety
        • Does the standard include criteria on building safety?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety 3.6.1 Occupational Health & Safety (Immediate/Major): Your company makes work processes, workplaces, buildings, machinery and equipment on the production site as safe as possible, minimizing any inherent risks by appropriate measures and adequate control. To ensure safety: - Systems to detect, avoid, or respond to potential threats to the health and safety of workers are established; - Risk areas and potential hazards are clearly identified by warning signs in appropriate languages and include pictograms if possible; - Safety instructions and procedures including accident prevention and response are in place and communicated to staff; - All hazardous machinery and equipment is equipped with adequate safety devices; - Protective guards are placed over moving parts; - Safety equipment is provided to all workers who must be instructed and monitored in its proper use; - Equipment for chemical use is stored properly.


          3.6.1 Occupational Health & Safety

        • Does the standard cover fire-preparedness?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety 3.6.5 Fire safety (Immediate/Major): Properly marked fire exits, escape routes, firefighting equipment and appropriate fire alarms for each working area are required. Fire exits and escape routes are kept clear of obstacles, unlocked, and easily openable at all times when workers are present, allowing for swift and safe exit in case of an emergency. 3.6.6 Training on evacuation procedures (Immediate/Major): All staff is trained on evacuation procedures, and regular fire safety drills are conducted at least every 6 months and are documented. Evacuation procedures and fire safety drills are conducted according to national legislation where it exists.


          Textile: 3.6.5 Fire safety Textile: 3.6.6 Training on evacuation procedures

        • Does the standard include criteria on evacuation safety and emergency management plan?
          Answer: Basic: Emergency and evacuation safety requirements exist
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Basic: Emergency and evacuation safety requirements exist (1 point)
          • Advanced: An emergency management plan exists (1 point)

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 3.6 Occupational Health and Safety 3.6.6 Training on evacuation procedures (Immediate/Major/Basic): All staff is trained on evacuation procedures, and regular fire safety drills are conducted at least every 6 months and are documented. Evacuation procedures and fire safety drills are conducted according to national legislation where it exists.


          Textile: 3.6.6 Training on evacuation procedures

  • Business Practice and Ethical Issues
    • Economic Development and Fair Business Practice
      • Economic Sustainability
        • Does the standard include criteria on the provision of professional training for workers?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 2.1 Capacity Building of Workers 2.1.4 Skill development (Within 3 years/ Minor): Your company provides opportunities to workers and staff to develop appropriate personal skills and/or professional qualifications.


          Textile: 2.1.4 Skill development

        • Does the standard include criteria on business viability?
          Answer: No
          Degree of Obligation: Not covered
          Score: 0/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:


        • Does the standard include criteria on management plans for continuous improvement?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 1.1 Commitment to Fairtrade 1.1.1 Mission statement and performance indicators (Within 3 years/ Minor): In order to demonstrate commitment to Fairtrade, your company’s mission statement or policy includes: - measures on how continuous improvement of social and sustainable production practices is implemented in your company; - a statement on your commitment to achieve the aims and values of Fairtrade; - how workers are informed about commitment to Fairtrade; - Fairtrade goals which are included in measurable key performance indicators for the CEO and senior management of your company.


          Textile: 1.1.1 Mission statement and performance indicators

        • Does the standard include criteria on improving productivity?
          Answer: No
          Degree of Obligation: Not covered
          Score: 0/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:


      • Legality
        • Does the standard include criteria on business legality?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Documents that show the legal registration of your company


          8 List of documents attached to this application The applicant’s questionnaire request for Textile, under point 8.

        • Does the standard include a requirement for compliance with relevant local, regional and national laws and regulations?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          References Fairtrade International requires that companies always abide by national legislation on the topics covered by this standard whenever the legislation sets higher requirements than this standard. The same applies to regional and sector-specific practices.



      • Responsible Sourcing Practices
        • Does the standard include criteria on fair prices or price premiums?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Immediately
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Not Applicable (0 points)

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 5.4 Purchasing seed cotton 5.4.4 Buying Fairtrade eligible cotton (Immediate/Deal-breaker/Advanced): Buyers of seed cotton may buy seed cotton as Fairtrade eligible (see definitions), and sell the lint or derived products as Fairtrade provided that the conditions below are met: - To be Fairtrade eligible, the seed cotton has to have been produced as Fairtrade. - When the buyer of Fairtrade eligible seed cotton sells cotton lint or derived products as Fairtrade, the buyer must notify the supplying producers within 15 days of the sale. The buyer must inform each of the supplying producers of the volumes of their Fairtrade eligible seed cotton sold as Fairtrade, of the corresponding Fairtrade price adjustment (the difference between the market price and the Fairtrade Price, if applicable), and of the Fairtrade Premium due. - When the buyer of Fairtrade eligible seed cotton sells only a certain percentage of the total Fairtrade eligible seed cotton as Fairtrade, then this percentage is applied to each producer‘s supplied volume, and the Premium and price adjustment (if applicable) are calculated pro rata. If the second buyer (the buyer of the cotton lint or derived product) requests in writing for cotton from a specific producer, the Fairtrade price adjustment and Premium is to be paid to that specific producer.


          Textile 5.4.4 Buying Fairtrade eligible cotton

        • Does the standard's rights and benefits for workers also apply to input suppliers?
          Answer: No
          Degree of Obligation: Not covered
          Score: 0/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:


        • Does the standard include criteria on reducing time pressure for suppliers?
          Answer: No
          Degree of Obligation: Not covered
          Score: 0/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:


        • Does the standard include criteria for the production processes beyond primary production?
          Answer: Yes
          Degree of Obligation: Transition Period
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers

          Excerpt from standard:

          Textile: 1.4 Management systems 1.4.2 Ensuring subcontractor compliance (Within 1 year/ Major): Your company has procedures in place that enables you to evaluate your suppliers in order to have full insight and assess risks in the working conditions in your supply chain. The procedures ensure that current and new suppliers and subcontractors comply with requirement 1.4.4 (grievance procedure), and the Labour Conditions and Environmental Responsibility requirements, chapters 3 and 4 in this Standard. The minimum actions your company must undertake to fulfil this requirement include: • Effectively communicate the requirements of this standard to senior leadership of suppliers, commissioned operators and subcontracted sites; • Assess significant risks of non-conformance by these entities; • Make efforts to ensure that these significant risks are effectively addressed by these entities and your company; Your company records how these actions are fulfilled. 5.1 Traceability Intent: To ensure that finished textile product carrying the Fairtrade Production mark has been produced under Fairtrade terms at every stage in the supply chain. For documentary traceability requirements 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 in the Fairtrade Trader Standard apply to all manufacturers under this standard. Additionally, for products with physically traceable Fairtrade cotton, requirements 2.1.3- 2.1.7 in the Fairtrade Trader Standard apply. See below in section 5.2 on Product Composition and Sourcing for more details. For products with cotton supplied through the Fairtrade Sourcing Program (FSP), requirements 2.1.8- 2.1.11 and 2.1.3 in the Fairtrade Trader Standard and 2.1.1-2.1.3 in the Fibre Crop Standard apply.


          Textile: 1.4.2 Ensuring subcontractor compliance Textile: 5.1 Traceability

    • Corruption and Bribery
      • Does the standard include criteria on the prevention of corruption and bribery?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Corruption and bribery is prohibited (1 point)
        • Advanced (0 points)

        Excerpt from standard:


      • Does the standard include criteria on conducting a due diligence assessment of business partners, including subsidiaries and contractors?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:


      • Does the standard include criteria on training workers in positions of responsibility workers on issues of corruption and bribery?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
  • Social & Cultural Rights and Community Engagement
    • Local Economic Development
      • Does the standard include criteria relating to a preference to purchase local materials, goods, products and services?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
      • Does the standard include criteria relating to hiring workers from local communities?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
      • Does the standard include criteria on investment in community development beyond the business' operations?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
      • Does the standard include criteria on not adversely affecting local communities and neighboring small producers access to livelihoods (especially land and water)?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
    • Community Rights
      • Does the standard include criteria on dispute resolution mechanisms for affected communities?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: The standard has to require a grievance mechanism for affected communities. (1 point)
        • Advanced: The standard provides fair compensation for negative impacts of operations on local communities and individuals. (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        1.4.5: The Compliance Committee determines one or two local ‘grievance handlers’, individuals whoare part of the local civil society, i.e., a local trade union or workers’ rights NGO to aid workers in filing and reconciling complaints to supplement the company grievance mechanism. The grievance handler(s) must be:  the same gender as the majority of the workforce. The CC can also determine one male and one female grievance handler;  in regular contact with, accessible to, and trusted by the workers;  made publicly known through the Fairtrade International website. The process: 1. Grievances are filed with the grievance handler(s), by workers, or a third party if thecompany grievance procedure has not addressed a grievance sufficiently according to the complainant. 2. The grievance handler discusses the received complaint with the CC (within the same week of issue, but depending on the urgency of the matter may be faster). ...


        1.4 Management systems

      • Does the standard include criteria on the protection of local historical, archaeological, cultural, and spiritual properties and sites?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic (0 points)
        • Advanced: Protect and do not impede access (1 point)

Which lifecycle phases are covered by the standard?

Raw materials extraction and production

Cultivation of natural fibers (e.g. cotton) and production of synthetic fibers (e.g. polyester)


The production and further processing of yarns and fabrics into a finished garment involves many sub-steps (e.g. spinning, weaving and knitting, sewing, tailoring and finishing)

Transportation / distribution

The transport route from one production stage to the next as well as to the end consumer

Products use and consumption

Usage through the owner


Proper disposal of textiles or return of materials to the cycle (recycling)